Backend and Infrastructure

Pantheon Branching and Multidev

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We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

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Sprout Video

By default Pantheon provides you with three environments: Dev, Test, and Live. A lot of work can happen in Dev though, and it would be really great to be able to manage all the different branches of work that may be happening simultaneously. Pantheon's Multidev feature will do this for you. You can always create as many branches as you need for development in Git, but Multidev takes that a step further by actually providing an entire duplicate environment for each of your branches. This way you can see exactly what the site looks like with those code changes before you actually merge everything into your main Dev environment. In this presentation we'll explain the benefits that Multidev gives you and walk through the terminology you'll encounter. The Multidev process and terminology is based on Git workflows so you'll be getting a short Git overview as well.

Here is a quick list of the terms and workflow we'll be reviewing:

  • environment: Independent infrastructure for a site, including code, DB, and files.
  • fork: To divide in branches, copying source code to start independent development. Pantheon also copies content (files and database) when forking. commit: Record snapshot to history.
  • branch: Movable pointer to a set of commits, allowing independent development and history.
  • master: Name of default branch; deployed to Pantheon Dev, Test and Live environments.
  • merge: Combine contents of a branch into another, like a bug fix branch into master.

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Additional resources

Pantheon Multidev Workflow (