Decoupled Drupal: Creating Modern Web Services APIs with Drupal Workshop

Learn how to use Drupal as the backend for any application. In this front end framework-agnostic workshop we’ll learn how any HTTP client can interact with Drupal via a REST API. We'll cover best practices for important topics regarding the architecture of your API like presentation versus content, security, and documentation.

You’ll come away from this course knowing how to:

  • Explain the role of Drupal core’s JSON API and REST modules, and when to use each one
  • Authenticate requests using Session Authentication, and OAuth Authentication
  • Make requests to Drupal’s API as a privileged user
  • Create, update, and delete content entities via REST requests
  • Upload files to an entity via REST
  • Use API architecture best practices
  • Provide high quality API documentation

We’ll use Postman (or your HTTP client of choice) to practice making JSON API requests to perform CRUD operations on Drupal entities, authenticate users, and modify application configuration. Leaving you with the skills necessary to write code in any language or framework that can interact with Drupal.

Target audience

  • This would be a great first step for anyone wanting to get started with decoupled Drupal.
  • Developers who want to learn how to make use of Drupal’s JSON API and other web services


You already have basic understanding of Drupal administration and are comfortable with doing things like creating content and users, installing modules, and configuring your application.