Drupalize.Me Has Been “Pinkie Pie-Zed” Improved!

The latest sprint we completed for Drupalize.Me was called Pinkie Pie (we name all our sprints after My Little Pony™ characters—yeah, we’re fun like that). And although the name is silly, we took seriously the efforts we made to improve the Drupalize.Me experience for our members. We’ve been listening to your feedback, and some of the changes we made in this sprint include:

  • More Content!: First and foremost, we are focusing on creating more content, overall. A nicer user experience is definitely ... well ... nicer, but we know that you come to Drupalize.me for awesome Drupal training videos, and more than anything else we're focusing on producing those! The Drupal Deployment with Features & Drush video was released, and we started a new Drupal 7 series on Image Styles, which we'll continue to add videos to through July. We've begun recording several other new videos as well, which you will see within the next month.
  • Recently Watched Videos: We added a new "Recently Watched" block to your dashboard, which lets you see a quick list of the last three videos you've watched, and even provides a "Resume" button for each to take you back to that video and to the exact place you stopped watching (no more scrolling around to find it!). W00t!
  • Video Information Tabs & Series: We added a set of tabs under each video that contain all of the information and discussion about the video in one, tidy place. This also helped us get the most important meta information right next to the player for you. Also, to help learners who want some guidance, we are now grouping directly related videos into a series. This means you can quickly see a listing of the videos that are meant to be watched together and even a suggested order in which they should be watched.
  • Making Big Bites Smaller (& easier to chew): We are beginning the process of segmenting our existing long-form videos (2-hour+) into several shorter videos grouped as a series. We hope that the playback experience will improve overall with shorter videos and that members will be able to more easily find where they left off if they lose their place. We'll be completing the process of segmenting the long-form videos over the next few weeks.

We take pride in providing visitors and members with high-quality, accessible Drupal learning resources. It’s worth repeating: we value your feedback, so please keep sending ideas, suggestions, and requests -- they just might show up in a future (and equally fun-named) sprint!


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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more