Managing Your Membership

Today we finally completed the migration to our new billing service! It's been a long road, and I'll leave the gorey details for another post. The short of it is that we moved to Recurly and account management is now easier for our members. Here is a quick overview:

Active Members

If you have an active membership, you will now see billing information on your account dashboard. A summary includes your membership start date, next invoice date, and invoice total. Additionally, you can update your billing information, retrieve old invoices, change your membership plan, or cancel your membership here. You can apply also a coupon code to an already active membership, which is a sweet new feature!

Inactive Members

If you had a membership with us in the past, you are now presented with the option to reactivate this membership. Simply choose a new membership plan and update your billing information. Your old account settings and viewing history will still be available.

Trial Status

Many active members will notice that their membership status now reads "Trial". This is temporary and will update appropriately when your membership renews again.


If you joined Drupalize.Me prior to November 19, 2013, most of your invoices are still located in our old billing system. If you joined after November 19, 2013, your invoices are in the new billing system. Either way, we know tax season is just around the corner for a lot of folks. If you need a copy of an invoice you can't find, just email [email protected]. We'll be happy to retrieve the invoice for you!

Finally, we're really thankful everyone has been so patient during this process. If you have any questions or feedback, as always, please do let us know.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more