Creating Themes in Drupal

Learn how to start a new custom Drupal theme by setting up the appropriate directory structure, required files, and configuring your development environment.

This course covers the foundational aspects of theme structure, the use of base themes, and the creation and configuration of essential theme files. Learners will gain practical skills in using the Starterkit utility for faster theme creation, defining regions, and configuring their development environment for efficient theming.

Key topics

  • The various types of files that make up a Drupal theme
  • Setting up your development environment for effective theme development
  • Use Starterkit to start a new theme
  • Theme info files
  • Theme inheritance and the use-case for base themes
  • How to define regions in your theme
  • Best practices for optimizing theme performance
Tutorials in this course
Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Each theme is a collection of files that define a presentation layer for Drupal. While only a file is required, most themes will contain other files as well. Some are Drupal-specific, and need to follow a strict naming convention and be placed in the appropriate place for Drupal to find them. Others are standard front-end web assets like CSS, JavaScript, and image files that can be placed anywhere within the theme's code.

In this tutorial we'll learn about:

  • The various types of files you can expect to find in a theme directory
  • Where in the Drupal code base your theme directory should live
  • Keeping the directory and all the files within organized

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain where a Drupal theme should be placed in a project's code base, and the types of files one can expect to find in a theme.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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When it's time to start a custom Drupal theme from scratch (especially if you're new to Drupal theming), we recommend using Starterkit. Starterkit helps you get a new theme up and running by scaffolding a set of theme files with sensible defaults, saving you from a bunch of repetitive work.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Learn what Starterkit is
  • Discuss when you should--and should not--use Starterkit
  • Walk through how to use Starterkit to generate a new Drupal theme

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain the use case for Starterkit and understand how to use it to start a new custom theme.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Info files, aka files, provide Drupal with metadata about your theme, the features it supports, and the regions that it defines. All themes are required to have a file, and creating one is generally the first step you'll take when creating a new theme.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Create a new .info.yml file and define a new theme
  • Review the required key/value pairs of an .info.yml file
  • Enable our new theme in the Drupal UI

By the end of this tutorial you'll be able start a new theme by creating the required *.info.yml file and better understand its contents.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Custom themes in Drupal must be configured to inherit settings, templates, and other assets from a parent theme. Which base theme you use is configurable. This allows theme developers to use a different set of markup as the starting point for their theme, organize various theme assets into a more maintainable structure, and more. All of this is made possible because of how Drupal's theme layer uses a chain of inheritance when assembling all the parts of a theme.

Base themes are also a powerful way to encapsulate standards and best practices into a reusable code base. You'll find dozens of contributed base themes on that can serve as a great starting point, especially if you're planning to work with an existing design framework like Bootstrap or Susy Grids. Or if you want to leverage modern JavaScript bundling without setting up Webpack on your own.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Learn what base themes and subthemes are
  • Look at a few examples of template inheritance and how that works
  • Discuss some use cases for theme inheritance

By the end of this tutorial you'll know how to declare the base theme that your theme builds upon.

More information

Drupal core comes with a few base themes: Stable, Stable 9, Classy, and Stark. Each one has a different intended use case. And all of them are useful as a reference for building your own themes.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Learn what each of the base themes included in Drupal core is intended to be used for
  • Compare the output from the base themes with a focus on Stable and Classy

By the end of this tutorial you'll be able to explain the use case for each of the base themes included with Drupal core and make an informed decision about which, if any, to use when creating your own custom themes.

Drupal 8, 9, and 10
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Make your theme a subtheme of a base theme, allowing it to inherit all the base theme's templates and other properties. When creating Drupal themes it is common to use the Classy theme provided with Drupal core as a base theme to jumpstart your development.

In this tutorial we'll learn how to:

  • Use the base theme key in our theme's file
  • Make our Ice Cream theme inherit from the Classy theme, or any other theme

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to tell Drupal that your theme is a child of another theme and should inherit all of the parent theme's features.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Themes define the regions that are available for site administrators to place blocks in, creating a layout framework within which the components that compose a page can be placed. As a theme developer you'll need to determine what regions are necessary to accommodate your design's layout, while also ensuring it'll work with the way Drupal uses blocks to place content onto the page. Deciding what regions to create requires knowledge of how Drupal works and a clear vision of the design you're trying to achieve.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Explain what regions are and how they relate to themes
  • Describe how regions are handled internally within Drupal
  • Demonstrate things to keep in mind when planning the regions for your custom theme

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to describe what a region is, explain how Drupal themes use regions to place content, and get started dissecting your own designs into regions.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Customizing the available regions in your theme is one of the first things you'll do when creating your own themes. Doing so gives you complete control over where content is displayed on the page, and the markup involved. Adding regions to a theme is a two-step process that involves editing your theme's file and updating your page.html.twig file.

In this tutorial we'll:

  • Declare one or more new regions in our themes file.
  • Output the content of those regions in our theme via the page.html.twig file.

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to add or edit the regions a theme provides. Also, you'll ensure that blocks placed into regions are displayed by outputting the regions in the page template.

Drupal 8, 9, 10, and 11
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Drupal comes with all of its caching features enabled by default. This improves response time, but can be frustrating for themers as it makes it harder to preview the changes you make to template files.

In this tutorial we'll look at:

  • Why these features are enabled by default
  • How the theme layer leverages Drupal's caches
  • Why you should learn to disable them when doing development
More information

Making Drupal fast by default implies having caching layers and CSS and JavaScript aggregation utilities enabled out-of-the-box. As a theme developer this can be annoying, because you must clear these various caches in order to preview any changes. In addition, inspecting variables with debugging tools often produces PHP errors. We'll make some recommendations for PHP settings on your local environment that can prevent these errors from happening so often.

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Set up your local Drupal site for theme development
  • Prepare your local development environment for working on and debugging themes
This course appears in the following guides:
Learn to control the look, feel, and markup of a Drupal site in a theme.

Frontend Theming