Introduction to Fields in Drupal 7

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We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

In this video series, Joe Shindelar, Karen Stevenson & Michelle Lauer build out a job posting board using the built-in Fields in Drupal 7 along with some other contributed modules. They cover the basics that Site Builders need to know about how to add fields, configure how they're displayed, and using all of the different types of fields including file files, image files, term references, node references, and user references. Each chapter of this video builds upon the last as the team builds and configures two content types for posting available jobs and job applications. Here are the chapters that will be included in this series.

  1. Introduction
  2. Content types in Drupal 7
  3. Overview of Fields in Drupal 7
  4. Overview of the example site
  5. Creating a new content type
  6. Adding text fields, lists and checkboxes
  7. Categorizing content with a term reference field
  8. Adding a user reference field
  9. Managing field display with formatters
  10. Associating content with the node reference field
  11. Adding file fields & image fields
  12. Resizing default image sizes
  13. Adding fields to a user profile & other entities

This video will pair well with Intro to Views in Drupal 7, which will continue this job board project through to completion.

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In this video series, Joe Shindelar, Karen Stevenson and Michelle Lauer build out a job posting board using the built-in Fields in Drupal 7 along with some other contributed modules. They cover the basics that Site Builders need to know about how to add fields, configure how they're displayed, and using all of the different types of fields including file files, image files, term references, node references, and user references. Each chapter of this video builds upon the last as the team builds and configures two content types for posting available jobs and job applications.

In this video, Joe shows the finished project we're going to make together through this series. Later in the series we'll be going through the steps necessary in order to create the job posting and job application content types he demonstrates here.

This video will pair well with Intro to Views in Drupal 7, which will continue this job board project through to completion.

Drupal 7
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Goes through the default content types of the Article and Page that are provided in Drupal 7, and shows the similarities and differences between the two. Also goes through some of the configuration options, which define the default settings whenever a new node is created.

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Gives a high-level overview of the field configuration page and defines the field types, widget and display formatters. Also adds a simple text field as an example of extending an existing content type.

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Provides an overview of the example job posting site that will be built over the remaining chapters of this video series. Joe gives a tour of the job posting content type as well as the job application content type.

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Goes through the process of creating a new content type of a job posting, and shows how to customize the Title and Body labels for this new content type.

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Goes through the process of adding three new fields to the job posting content type including an integer text field for the salary, a select list of job type, and a checkbox as to whether or not telecommuting is allowed.

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Goes through the process of creating a hierarchical set of taxonomy terms, and then adding an autocomplete taxonomy term reference field to a content type.

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Goes through the process of adding a role and then creating a user reference field, which autocompletes to users within that specified role.

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Shows how to change the formatting and label display for fields, and how to control whether a field appears in the teaser, full mode, search results and other display mode contexts.

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Shows how to associate and create a relationship between two nodes with the node reference field type, and how to set up the node reference URL widget in order to auto-populate the node relationship via a link on the referring node.

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Shows how to set up private files in Drupal 7 and custom upload path as well as how to set up an image field.

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Shows how to configure image styles for the uploaded headshot in order to resize the image to a more reasonable and standardized size.

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Shows the interface for adding fields to other entities such as taxonomy terms, comments and users. Walks through the process of adding a user profile field that will show up on the user registration form and appear on the user's profile page.

This course appears in the following guides:
Site Building
A guide to site building in Drupal 7.

Legacy Site Building