Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Overview of user account concepts and details of common user account tasks. Part of the Drupal User Guide.

Tutorials in this course
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Overview of user accounts, permissions, and roles.

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Overview of the User 1 account, also known as the root account or administrative account.

Drupal 8, 9, and 10
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How to create a new role.

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How to create a user account.

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How to assign a permission to a role.

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How to change or add roles for a user.

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How to assign authorship of content items to a user account.

This course appears in the following guides:
Site Building
Resources to help you prepare for the Acquia Certified Drupal Site Builder exam.

Acquia Certified Drupal Site Builder Exam

Site Building
The best way to get started with Drupal concepts and site building skills.

Drupal User Guide