In this chapter Michelle will explain what blocks are and how we can use them on our site. We'll look at the demo regions where we can place our blocks, and move some things around. We'll also look at creating our own simple custom block, along with covering the ways that we can change the visibility settings.
In this video we take a tour of Drupal menus, and show you how you can modify existing menu items and create your own.
In this chapter we'll quickly cover how to create lists of our Press Releases to display on the site. We'll be using the Views module to create a block that can sit in the sidebar, as well as a full listing page with its own menu item. You will need to already have the Views module downloaded and enabled on your site. If you need help installing a contributed module, watch the Installing and Enabling Modules in Drupal 7 video from this series.
To get a complete tutorial on using Views, you can watch our Intro to Views for Drupal 7 series.
In this chapter we talk about the powerful and flexible user system in Drupal. We'll create new users and roles, and walk through how the permissions work with them.
In this chapter, we look at the Drupal file system configuration, and we set up our site to give us private file storage. We'll talk about what that means, and the benefits and drawbacks to Drupal's private files.
In this chapter Joe covers two really important tools for most sites: cron and search. We start by explaining what cron is, and how core provides us with a basic cron tool. We also walk through how to set up your own custom cron if the core settings don't suit you. Next we look at Drupal's core search and the various ways you can configure that.
In this chapter we're going to go through a launch checklist to make sure we have a few things all set up before we actually put our site out there. We discuss:
- error reporting settings
- 403 and 404 pages
- performance optimization and caching
- reviewing the status reports
- disabling unnecessary modules
In this chapter we talk about Drupal's taxonomy system, which is a way to organize our content. We'll walk through the steps to create a new vocabulary, add some terms, and then use it with our Press Release content type.
In this chapter, we talk all about changing the look and feel of your site with themes. We start by reviewing the settings that come with our default core theme, Bartik. Then we go to to look at available contributed themes, how to look for themes, and discuss what a base theme is. We'll finish up by actually installing a new contributed theme, Zero Point, and making some configuration changes.
In this video we'll start talking about the structure of content on the site by explaining what a content type is and how to create our own custom content types. First we review the two content types that are provided by Drupal core, Article and Basic Page, and then we dive into creating our own new content type, a Press Release. We also add a few fields and review configuring the field display.
For more instruction on using Fields and Image styles, check out these other series:
Intro to Fields for Site Builders
Image Styles
In this video we walk through two methods for downloading and installing new modules. First we use the administrative interface on our site to install a new module with a URL, and then we download a module directly from and place the files in the proper location in our Drupal files. We also talk about some best practices for organizing your modules in your file system.
Installing Drupal 7
FreeTo get things started in this series we'll install Drupal 7. We start in to download the code, review some important points to watch for when copying the files, then we show how to set up a database using PHPMyAdmin before we dive into the Drupal installer.
Additional resources
This screencast covers the following topics:
- Manual import/export of Page manager settings.
- Import/export using Features.
- Some words about the custom rulesets module.
- Some words about the custom content panes module.
- Some words about the stylizer module.
- Some words (but not enough!) about mini panels.
- Some words about Panels everywhere.
- Some words and a quick demonstration of Panels in-place editor.
The Views Context
FreeThis screencast covers the following topics:
- Creating a Context display type in Views.
- Placing individual View rows in your custom page.
- Displaying other View render elements in your custom page (such as the pager or header).
- Using the View context to load further contextual object.
This screencast covers the following topics:
- Adding new contextual objects with manual selection.
- Adding new contextual objects with relationships.
- Chaining contextual objects, with the example of loading a node term, and then loading the term top level parent (or not).
This tutorial covers the following topics:
- The Contextual Administration module and variant type.
- Auto-populating node reference fields for new nodes.
- A quick glance at other functionality in Contextual Administration: vocabulary administration pages, user administration pages, quick content handling pages, and more.
- Using the local actions menu type.
This screencast covers the following topics:
- Rearranging the node edit form with Panels.
- Some words about how the render arrays in Drupal 7 makes this possible.
This screencast covers the following topics:
- Creating custom paths with Page manager
- Defining required and optional wildcards in a path
- Loading contextual objects from path arguments
- Creating access rules for custom pages
- Creating menu tabs, local actions and other visible menu items
- Making menu items only show in certain circumstances, such as only on selected node types
Panel Pane Settings
FreeThis screencast covers the following topics:
- Using visibility rules to determine when panes should show
- Using per-pane or per-page caching
- Setting caching granularity to per context or per argument
- Editing basic pane settings
- Moving panes between different panel regions
- Some layout settings for panes