In Drupal, whenever we output markup it's best practice to use a Twig template or a theme function. But whenever you need to output DOM elements within JavaScript the best practice is to use the Drupal.theme
function. This function ensures that the output can be overridden just like the HTML output by Twig. This tutorial covers how to use the Drupal.theme
function in your JavaScript when inserting DOM elements, as well as how to replace the markup output by other JavaScript code that is using the Drupal.theme
ESLint is the linting tool of choice for JavaScript in Drupal. In this tutorial we’ll show how to install the ESLint application and then use it to verify that your JavaScript files are meeting the Drupal coding standards.
Drupal (as of version 8.4) has adopted the Airbnb JavaScript coding standards. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to install the necessary package dependencies to run eslint on JavaScript files within your Drupal site.
An asset library is a bundle of CSS and/or JavaScript files that work together to provide a style and functionality for a specific component. They are frequently used to isolate the functionality and styling of a specific component, like the tabs displayed at the top of each node, into a reusable library. If you want to include CSS and/or JavaScript in your Drupal theme or module you'll need to declare an asset library that tells Drupal about the existence, and location, of those files. And then attach that library to a page, or specific element, so that it gets loaded when needed.
In this tutorial we’ll:
- Define what an asset library is.
- Explain why asset libraries are used to include JavaScript and CSS files.
- Look at some example asset library definitions.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define what asset libraries are, and when you'll need to create one.
Preprocess functions allow Drupal themes to manipulate the variables that are used in Twig template files by using PHP functions to preprocess data before it is exposed to each template. All of the dynamic content available to theme developers within a Twig template file is exposed through a preprocess function. Understanding how preprocess functions work, and the role they play, is important for both module developers and theme developers.
In this tutorial we'll learn:
- What preprocess functions are and how they work
- The use case for preprocess functions
- The order of execution for preprocess functions
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what preprocess functions are and the role they play in a Drupal theme.
Template files are responsible for the HTML markup of every page generated by Drupal. Any file ending with the .html.twig extension is a template file. These files are composed of standard HTML markup as well as tokens used by the Twig template engine to represent dynamic content that will be substituted into the HTML markup when the template is used. As a theme developer, you'll work with this a lot.
In this tutorial we’re going to learn about:
- What template files are, and how they fit into the big picture of creating a theme
- How template files are used in order to allow theme developers to modify the HTML markup output by Drupal
- Naming conventions for, and specificity of, template files
What Is a Theme?
FreeThemes are the part of Drupal that you, and anyone else visiting your Drupal powered application, see when they view any page in their browser. You can think of a theme as a layer, kind of like a screen, that exists between your Drupal content and the users of your site. Whenever a page is requested Drupal does the work of assembling the content to display into structured data which is then handed off to the presentation layer to determine how to visually represent the data provided.
Drupal themes are created by front-end developer. Frequently referred to as themers, or theme developers. Themes consist of standard web assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images, combined with Drupal-specific templates for generating HTML markup, and YAML files for telling Drupal about the file and features that make up each individual theme.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Explain what a Drupal theme is.
- Explain the role of a Drupal themer in the process of building a Drupal site.
- Get a high level overview of the types of files/code that themes are made of.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what a Drupal theme is, and the kind of work a Drupal theme developer will be expected to do.
Maybe you've heard of anonymous closures but you're not quite sure how they apply in Drupal, or why using them is considered a best-practice. Anonymous closures allow you to avoid accidentally clashing with anything in the global scope, as well as to alias the jQuery object to the more commonly used $
. This is necessary because Drupal runs jQuery in no-conflict mode. This tutorial will look at the syntax used for placing your custom JavaScript code inside an anonymous closure, and why it's a good idea to do so.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Explain what a closure is (briefly), and what immediately invoked function expressions are
- Show how typically Drupal JavaScript gets wrapped in a closure
- Provide a copy/paste example you can use in your own code
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what an anonymous closure is, and how to use one in your custom JavaScript for Drupal.
Drupal Console
FreeThe Drupal Console is a suite of tools run from a command line interface (CLI) to generate boilerplate code and interact with a Drupal installation.
Note: This project is no longer actively maintained. See the Drush topic for alternative solutions.
Like most output in Drupal, Views relies on Twig templates for a significant amount of its rendering. In this tutorial we'll identify where you can find the default Views templates within your file system, what the common templates are for, and how to name your templates so that they are applied to specific views.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Identify where to find default views templates
- Understand which templates apply to what part of a view
- Get a sense of the template suggestions and how to use them to limit where your custom templates are applied
- Identify a view's machine name
- Identify a display's machine name
- Identify a field's machine name
Now that we understand what templates are and how we can use them, let's override some templates! In this tutorial we'll copy the views wrapper template to our theme and override it so that we can customize the markup for the Baseball Players view. Then we'll modify the template so that our view's pager appears both above and below our table of players.
To follow along with our Drupal Views tutorials, set up a Drupal site loaded with our 4 custom views and baseball stats content that will make querying in Views a bit more interesting and meaningful.
By the end of this tutorial, you should choose a solution and follow the instructions for creating a Drupal site loaded with our starting point content and views.
As a theme developer you can extend an existing asset library to include custom CSS and/or JavaScript from your theme. This is useful when you want to add styles or behaviors to components provided by Drupal core or another module.
Sometimes there are CSS or JavaScript asset libraries attached to the page by Drupal core, a contributed module, or another theme, that do something you don't like, and you want to change it or even exclude it all together. There are a couple of different ways that themes can override, alter, or extend, an existing asset library in order to modify the CSS and JavaScript that get attached the page by other code belonging to another theme or module.
In this tutorial we'll learn how to:
- Extend an existing asset library using
, so that our custom CSS and JavaScript is included whenever that library is used. - Override an existing asset library using
, to alter the definition of the library, and replace or exclude individual assets (or the entire library).
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to use your custom theme to override, extend, or alter any of the asset libraries added to the page by another theme or module.
Drupal has robust Cache API, and various caching layers (both internal and external to Drupal), that work together to decrease application load and boost performance. Drupal's APIs allow developers to declare the cacheability of data. How long can this be stored before it becomes stale? And under what conditions should it be invalidated? Drupal uses that information during the process of building a page to cache as much of the work it does as is possible so that it won't need to do it again. Additionally, Drupal bubbles up the cacheability data from everything required to build a page into HTTP response headers that caching layers external to Drupal can also use to cache the rendered HTML.
When these APIs are combined (and used appropriately), Drupal can be extremely fast for both anonymous and authenticated traffic. But doing so requires understanding the various caching layers, their roles, and their interconnections.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Review the caching layers and systems behind them
- Learn about components of the Drupal cache system
By the end of this tutorial, you should have a broad understanding of the Drupal caching system, its layers, and a better understanding of where in the stack you should look to optimize for different scenarios.
Note: This tutorial is specific to Drupal sites hosted on the Acquia platform and covers integrating its features to improve performance.
The Acquia platform includes Memcache, Varnish, and Content Delivery Network (CDN) integration. In order for these to be as effective as possible, they should be configured and tuned for your specific use case. This tutorial provides an introduction to these utilities and common configuration. For more detail, you should consult the Acquia documentation.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Learn what caching utilities are included in the Acquia platform
- Set up and tune different parts of Acquia's application caching level including Memcache and Varnish
By the end of this tutorial, you'll know what application-level caching options exist on Acquia's platform. And how to configure it, and your Drupal application, for better performance.
WebPageTest ( is a free open source resource that runs performance tests on a site, provides educational reports about what it finds, and suggests optimizations you can make. The tests performed via the WebPageTest interface include Lighthouse tests, performance-specific tests, Core Web Vitals, visual comparisons, and traceroute tests. The tool also allows saving a history of tests if you sign up for a free account. This tool won't make your site faster on its own, but it will give you some good ideas about where to focus your efforts.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to run performance tests via the WebPageTest web interface
- Learn how to read and interpret the results
By the end of this tutorial, you should know how to use the WebPageTest online interface to analyze a Drupal site's performance.
Lighthouse is an open source, automated tool for analyzing your site's performance. Lighthouse is built-in to the Google Chrome browser. When auditing a page, Lighthouse runs various tests against the page and then reports how well the page did across a broad spectrum of metrics. While Lighthouse doesn't improve the performance of a Drupal site itself, it helps to establish a performance profile and point towards areas that could be improved.
Lighthouse requires the use of Google Chrome. Other browsers include their own performance auditing tools. While the exact usage of each tool varies, the end result is the same: a report that can be interpreted to suggest where to focus your performance-tuning efforts.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Learn how to run Lighthouse tests against a Drupal site
- Interpret the results of the report generated by Lighthouse
- Provide guidance on next steps to take to address the performance issues Lighthouse finds in our Drupal site
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to use Lighthouse to profile a Drupal site, interpret the results, and know where to start on making improvements.
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play an important role in making a Drupal-powered site fast and secure. The distributed nature of CDNs allows serving web assets such as HTML files, JavaScript, CSS, and media assets through servers located in close geographical proximity to the users, thereby reducing the physical distance data has to travel between the user and the server, and improving performance.
In addition to providing a performance boost, CDNs may also act as a firewall and protect sites from common attacks such as DDoS. The popularity of CDNs has been growing over the past few years, and integrating with them has also gotten easier. Most Drupal web operation platforms, such as Acquia and Pantheon, offer integrations with CDNs out-of-the-box. Even if your hosting platform doesn't provide a CDN, you can always set up your Drupal site to use one.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define what a CDN is and what it can offer for your site
- Learn about popular CDNs used with Drupal sites
- Review some contributed modules that you can use to help integrate your Drupal site with a CDN
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define what a CDN is, list CDNs with Drupal integrations, and describe the steps you will need to take to set up your site to work with a CDN.
Drupal core is built with performance and scalability in mind. It is Fast by Default. But performance is often a by-product of your specific application, and depending on how you're using Drupal, you can further optimize your site using contributed modules. These modules range from debugging utilities to cache-related modules.
It's worthwhile to have a general idea of what's available in the contributed module space. And, when you need to address your site's unique performance needs, it helps if you already know about existing solutions.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at a few popular contributed modules that improve Drupal's performance
- Learn about the benefits these modules may provide to your site
- Provide tips on how to configure these modules
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to list some popular performance related Drupal modules and describe their use case.
Apache Bench (ab
) is a tool that comes with the commonly used Apache HTTP server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs. It will work for any HTTP server, not just Apache. Apache Bench shows you how many requests per second your server can serve. This metric is in part a measure of how long it takes Drupal (PHP) to process the request and create a response. While there are other things that the HTTP server does too, executing PHP is by far the most expensive when serving Drupal pages.
Therefore, Apache Bench helps profile your PHP code for new features, patches after their application, and PHP libraries used on the site. You can quickly compare before and after metrics as an indicator of the scale of the impact a change has.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Learn how to run the Apache Bench tool on our local environment
- Learn to interpret the result of the tests
By the end of this tutorial, you should know how to benchmark and profile your local Drupal installation using Apache Bench (ab
Sites evolve over time. We're constantly adding and removing modules, modifying content, authoring custom plugins, and changing design elements. All of these changes impact our application's performance -- some more so than others. But if you're not measuring it, you can't know when your site inadvertently gets slower or by how much.
If you are responsible for a site's performance, it might be good to look into benchmarking it and establishing a performance budget early on, then monitor it on an ongoing basis. Many tools, paid and free, allow measuring key web performance indicators and backend code and server performance.
One-time measurements can be useful for immediate debugging, or when figuring out if that big new feature is going to have a negative impact on performance. But for long-term projects, it's helpful to have known baseline values and an established performance budget to see whether your performance improves or declines over time with every new feature.
Establishing the baseline (performance budget) and comparing future measurements is called site performance benchmarking.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Learn the basics concepts of benchmarking
- Learn a benchmarking process and best practices
- List some commonly used tools for benchmarking Drupal
By the end of this tutorial, you should understand the concept of a performance budget, know when to benchmark your site, and list some tools available to help.