Now that users can post reviews on the Band Wagon site, we need to make sure that the content they publish, including their intro photos, is actually displayed correctly. To accomplish that, in this lesson, we're going to configure the field display settings and apply image styles.
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We now have a site with most of the basic functionality the Band Wagon project needs to start. However, one important piece remains: streamlining the content editing process, and allowing easy image and video integration in posts. In this lesson we will compare content editing tools and discuss how to integrate our media directly into the body of our content.
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Text formats are an important security feature of Drupal, so it pays to understand them. A text format will “scan” your content and make HTML formatting changes to it before sending it to the browser for display. In this lesson we'll see what formats and filters are, and how they relate to each other, walk through the filter workflow, as well as reviewing the default formats that come with Drupal core.
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Let’s set up the WYSYWIG editor for the Band Wagon website, using the WYSIWYG module and CKEditor. Note that if you prefer a different WYSIWYG editor, such as TinyMCE or Aloha, the installation instructions are very similar. In this lesson we'll we'll not only get WYSIWYG set up, but we'll also enable the Media filter and integrate that with our WYSIWYG editor.
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The Media module for Drupal 7 not only supports adding and managing media that is uploaded from a user’s computer into Drupal, but it also comes with a submodule, called Media Internet Sources, that allows using media assets from various Internet locations. In this lesson we'll look at what media internet sources can do for us and quickly explain what stream wrappers are and how they relate to what we want to do on the site.
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Because we already the Media module installed, it’s really easy to enable support to post videos from YouTube on the Band Wagon site. In this lesson we'll enable Media Internet Services and Media: YouTube modules, and make sure everything is working properly to embed a YouTube video into our content.
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If you’ve completed the Band Wagon site to this point, you’ve built a solid foundation for a Drupal-based music fan site that provides the main features we wanted. In this lesson we'll look at some more modules to explore, and how they could enhance the site we've created:
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We've built a nice site for John and Lisa that meets their needs, and has them happily uploading photos and videos to their site. In this lesson we'll tour the Band Wagon site, walking through how we addressed our implementation points, and then wrap up with a review of the modules we used and referenced during the series.
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In this series, Amber will show you how she gathered her wedding invitation responses on a Drupal site using Webform module. You'll learn how to:
- Collect data from users
- Build common types of form fields (including text fields, numeric inputs, and radio button option lists)
- View, export, and analyze those responses
- Automatically email responses as they're submitted
Understanding the basics of Webform empowers you to create your own custom forms such as surveys, feedback forms or your very own RSVP form. Dive in and learn the basics of Webform.
this lesson, we'll configure Webform content type defaults and add our first Webform node.
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Now that we've created a webform node for our form to live, it's time to build the form itself and add the form fields that we'll use to collect responses. In this lesson, we'll add a textfield, select options and number inputs. We'll begin by taking a closer look at the webform in its final state to better understand where we're going, then we'll return to the webform node we created in lesson 2 and we'll add each form component, step-by-step.
In this lesson, we'll configure email settings for the RSVP form. We'll go over the different email header options and customize the default message template, using special tokens that Webform module provides.
In this video Karen will show you how to create a date pop-up on your calendar, using the ColorBox jQuery plugin. She shows how to integrate the plugin with Drupal with the Colorbox module and then how to configure this with the Calendar module. Additional notes: The default display is to show the entity label. You will need to change this to show the complete entity otherwise you'll get a popup with no information in it.
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In this lesson we cover a module that comes with Organic Groups called "Organic Groups Context". We cover why this module exists, how it helps build out your groups page, and the way it lends a helping hand building out views to make your Organic Groups that much more powerful.
Note: You must first be a member of the organic group referenced by the node for filtering to work. Under relationships, we've selected "OG membership: OG membership" from Node. So if you're not a member of the group referenced by the node, you will get zero results.
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Drupal’s built-in Search module offers powerful, flexible searching features and intelligent ranking of results. Behind the scenes, it’s silently building an index of all the words used in the site’s content. In this lesson we'll:
- Review the Search module settings
- Explain the importance of cron
- Discuss searching with Views
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To transform the Product Finder page into a searchable index, we’ll be adding two new filters to the view: one that restricts the results by manufacturer, and another that restricts results to reviews that mention specific words. In this lesson, we'll:
- Add a filter
- Expose a filter
- Set permissions
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We’re almost done! The only problem with our view now is that clicking the titles in the view links to instead of to our own website. Fortunately, Views provides a handy trick for just this sort of situation; we can “rewrite” the output of the Title field to create a link back to its referring node instead. In this lesson, we'll:
- Exclude a field from display
- Rewrite the output of a field
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You've built the site that Bob and Sarah need to get their reviews going, but as always, there are ways to add more neat features. In this lesson, we'll look at a few modules you can look at adding down the road
- AdSense
- Display Suite
- Blog (core)
- Recipe
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We’ve hit all of the major pieces of functionality that Bob and Sarah wanted. In this summary, we'll:
- Tour the Super Duper Chefs site
- Discuss our implementation points
- Review modules and resources
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To kick off this series, we're going to take a look at the needs for our project. Our client is the Aurora Book Club, and they need a way to track events along with who is attending the events. In this lesson, we'll discuss the requirements, and how we'll implement them. We'll also be taking a tour of the finished site so we can see where we're headed. At the end of this lesson you should understand what the target site is that we will be building.