With the main Domain Access site installed, we now need to get our other domain names added to the site and working. In this tutorial we'll review the settings for domains, add the Alumni and News domain names, and then test that all three domains are working properly.
Additional resources
Basic Domain Access module configuration (drupal.org handbook)
One of the biggest reasons to use Domain Access is to control the content for multiple domain names. In this tutorial we'll dive into content on our three sites. We'll start by sharing content across all the domains, and then create domain-specific content. To make managing the content across our domains easier, we'll then enable the included Domain Content module. This will provide us with some nice administrative tools to keep track of things.
In addition to different content, you may also want to differentiate your domains in how they look and change some of the basic site settings to make them appear more as separate sites. In this tutorial we'll use the Domain Config and Domain Theme modules (included in the Domain Access package) to let us do just this. We'll change our settings on one of the sites to set the homepage node to the About page we created earlier. Then we'll make the Alumni site look quite different by giving it a new theme. Through this process you will understand things you need to watch out for when configuring Domain Access sites, and how to be appropriately cautious with your settings.
To really make Domain Access work the way you need it, you need to make sure you set up your roles, users, and permissions correctly. We've been setting things up on our site as the administrator, but so far our site is not configured for other people to be involved. In this tutorial we're going to configure the permissions so that we have authenticated users who can create and edit content on particular domains. We'll also have several editors. Two of the editors can only manage content on their particular domains, while one editor will have access to all content across all three domains.
In the process of setting this up we'll review the Domain Access permissions documentation, then dive into configuring them. We will also look at how we can set a default domain for a role, even though we won't need that for this use case. To test things out, we'll create some content as different users and see how the editors can or can not interact with that content.
To get things moving in this lesson, we are starting off having already created a number of users, and adding an editor role to the site. We don't walk through this process in the lesson, so if you need a refresher for creating roles and users, you can watch Hands-On: Creating Roles and Users from the Using Drupal series.
Additional resources
Domain Access Permissions (drupal.org handbook)
With the basics of our three domains set up, you're ready to build out your sites. We've covered the main steps to get you started, but you'll find that there are a lot more options available to you as you build. Which additional modules you use will depend heavily on your particular needs. In this tutorial we'll talk about the other modules that are included in the Domain Access package, which we haven't used in this series. We'll also look at a list of other contributed modules that work with Domain Access to extend its feature set even further.
Additional resources
Domain Access modules (drupal.org handbook)
Domain Access related contributed modules (drupal.org handbook)
Before we set up a multisite we need to understand how Apache and Drupal work together to deliver the site we intend. In this lesson we'll look at the documentation for Drupal multisites, and then discuss the way you need to set up your Drupal directories. We'll also review the workflow that Apache and Drupal go through to get the correct site displaying in the browser.
Additional resources
Multi-site - Sharing the same code base (drupal.org)
In this lesson we'll be building a simple university site, udrupal.com, with different areas, each with their own website: the main site, a news site, and an alumni site. The news site is simply a subdomain of the main domain name, news.udrupal.com, and the alumni site actually has its own separate domain name, udrupalalumni.com. To get this done, you're going to learn how to confirm the DNS is working for the domain names. That is, that they are currently pointing to the right server. Then we're going to configure an Apache vhost on our server so that Apache knows where to find our Drupal code base. We'll finish things up by installing our main Drupal site, udrupal.com.
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With our domains and Apache configuration in place, we need to make sure all three sites can be installed at the different domains by creating our multisite directories in the sites folder. In this tutorial, we'll create the necessary Drupal site directories and settings files for the three sites so they are all running smoothly, check the domains and install the other two sites, and wrap up by changing the theme on the alumni site.
Before we get started, you should make sure you have two empty databases created for the two new sites we'll be installing.
In this tutorial we're going to be working directly on a server using the command line. You can feel free to use a GUI interface for your site, like an SFTP app or just your local machine file browser and editor apps. If you want to brush up on using the command line, you can check out our free Command Line Basics series.
If we want to do development work on the university multisite, we need to do a few things to have this run smoothly in a local development environment with all of those URLs. The sites.php file is going to let us define aliases for the site configuration folders in /sites
. In this tutorial we'll explain why local development with multisite is tricky, and how to get it set up properly.
Additional resources
example.sites.php (api.drupal.org)
Drush is a really great tool for managing your Drupal site quickly and easily. If you don't already know about Drush, you should definitely check it out. When working with a multisite installation though, Drush can get confused if you don't give it all the information it needs. In this lesson we'll walk through how to use Drush properly with a multisite installation, covering both how to manage just an individual site and how to work with all of your sites at the same time.
One of the best ways to improve both the speed, and relevancy, of search results for a Drupal site is to stop using the Drupal core search module and start using Apache Solr. Solr is a Java-based application that provides an API for interacting with Apache Lucene via HTTP to facilitate the creation of excellent applications for performing full-text content searches, with a special focus on internet-based search applications. The quick pitch for why you should use Solr is it's insanely fast, especially when compared with Drupal's default Search module, and it can be scaled to handle millions of search queries per second and huge piles of data.
Since Solr is a third party application we need a way to bridge the gap between Solr and Drupal. Really, there are two parts to this puzzle: getting the data out of Drupal and into Solr so it can be processed and indexed, and passing a search query from Drupal to Solr in order to retrieve, and display, search results. For that, we'll use the Search API module, and the Search API Solr module.
In order to demonstrate a real-world use case we'll pretend that we're the owner of a website that contains a database of fish species. As the database has grown over time we've begun to feel the limits of Drupal's MySQL full-text search and want to improve our search tools. Using Solr will allow for better matches in full-text search, faster searches, and a lot of additional functionality like partial word matches, spell checking, facets, and more.
In this series we'll cover:
- What Apache Solr is and why you should consider using it
- Installing Solr and configuring it to work well with Drupal content
- The contributed Search API module
- The contributed Search API Solr module
- Configuring Drupal to send content to Solr for indexing
- Retrieving search results from Solr and displaying them in Drupal on both a stand-alone page and with the Views module
- Using Solr field boosting to influence result relevancy
- Using the contributed Facet API module with Solr to allow for faceted search results
- Configuring stop words, synonyms, and promoted search results in Solr
This series is for anyone that wants to improve the quality of the search functionality of their Drupal-powered site. There is some system administration required to install Solr, but it's pretty straightforward. Almost everything else is done via configuration in Drupal's, or Solr's, user interface and by editing simple XML configuration files. So, no PHP, or module development experience required. We do however assume that you're already familiar with basic Drupal administration.
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Apache Solr is a world class search application built on top of the Lucene indexer. Before we start trying to integrate Solr with Drupal lets talk about what Solr is, and what makes it so good, as well as how Solr differs from the Drupal core database-backed Search module. This tutorial is a short presentation explaining Solr, Lucene, and things to consider when choosing Solr as a search technology.
Lucene is an open-source search indexer written in Java and governed by the Apache foundation. It is the underlying library that handles storing indexed content, and does so in a way that makes it extremely flexible. By treating each record as a document made up of any number of different fields Lucene is capable of storing just about anything you throw at it, as long as the resource can be broken up into fields and the textual data can be extracted from those fields. This makes it a good choice for indexing web based content where you might be dealing with HTML, PDF, XML, Microsoft Word, and all kinds of other document formats.
Solr, is an HTTP API for interacting with the Lucene application that makes it easier to create custom search applications. Like Lucene it is also open source, written in Java, and governed by the Apache foundation. Solr's extensive use of XML configuration files allows you to modify almost everything about how Solr works without having to write any Java. This makes it a great choice for anyone that's familiar with PHP but doesn't have Java experience.
When compared with Drupal core's Search module, or any MySQL full-text search tool, Solr has some distinct advantages. Including:
- Best-in-class stemming and tokenization
- Scalability; it's designed to scale both vertically and horizontally as needed
- Built-in support for facets, geospatial searches, and other advanced query options
In addition to these advantages, using Solr for your search can dramatically improve your Drupal site's performance by eliminating costly full-text queries, which can quickly turn MySQL into a bottleneck for sites with even a modest amount of content.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain the advantages that Solr provides over Drupal core's search module and why it's a good choice for building ultra-fast, and accurate, search applications.
Additional resources
When it comes to integrating Apache Solr with Drupal there are currently two different modules that can be used, Search API, and the Apache Solr module. While both are valid options, for this series we've chosen to focus on the Search API module because amongst other things it's generally more flexible, and based on conversations with people in the community who are working on Solr integration it is currently seeing more focused development efforts and will likely superseded the Apache Solr module sometime in the future.
This tutorial provides some background information on the Search API module and why we've chosen to use it. We'll look at how the Search API module bridges the gap between Solr and Drupal, and explain some of the commonly used terms we'll encounter in the module's UI and codebase.
By the end of this lesson you should be able to explain the Search API module's terminology, requirements, and position in the Drupal ecosphere, as well as be able to make a good case for why someone should choose the Search API module as a starting point for creating better search tools in Drupal.
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Before we can start building a search application we need some sample data that we can index and use for testing, not to mention a site we can use to test this all out on. In this tutorial we'll walk through installing Drupal 7 and importing some sample data.
In order for this to work I built a Drupal 7 site with a content type named Fish, and then imported a whole bunch of descriptions of various fish from Wikipedia. You should be able to use the provided database dump in order to get up and running with a sample Drupal site pre-populated with some sample data.
If you're not planning on following along and building the fish finder application in the Search API and Solr series, or are planning on implementing Solr search on your own site instead you can probably skip this tutorial. Just note that the rest of the tutorials in the series assume you've got a working Drupal 7 site with some content.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a working Drupal 7 site with sample content running on your localhost for playing with while watching the rest of the series.
Solr is an application that runs on it's own, independent of Drupal. So before we can integrate our Drupal site with the Solr server we first need to install Solr and get it running. In this tutorial we'll walk through the requirements for installing Solr and then look at a quick and easy way to get it running on our localhost for development purposes. This setup is best for when you're working on a site locally, but have it hosted elsewhere and someone else is managing your Solr install for you.
The basic process is to download the Solr application, unpack it somewhere on your localhost, and then run the start.jar file that comes with the example application: java -jar start.jar
. To ensure it's working you can connect to the Solr web UI on your localhost at http://localhost:8983/solr/.
Note: When using Solr with Drupal and the Search API module we currently need to use the most recent 4.x version of Solr, despite the fact that there is a 5.x version that just came out. At the time these tutorials where recorded the Search API module had not yet been updated to work with Solr >= 5.x. The general installation instructions for localhost development however are not likely to change much at all between Solr 4 and 5 so even if you're using Solr 5 this should still be relevant information.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to run Solr on your localhost and verify that it is working.
Additional resources
If you're installing Solr on a production server there are some additional considerations you'll want to be aware of. The most important thing is that instead of just running the Solr application directly you'll likely want to run it inside of a J2EE server container like Tomcat or Jetty. In this tutorial we'll look a installing Solr on Ubuntu using the same process that we would recommend for a production installation. We'll do this by starting with a Vagrant VM with nothing but Ubuntu installed and walk through the steps required to get Solr up and running.
The steps are going to be similar, but different depending on your OS of choice, and it would be impossible for us to cover them all. So here's a general outline of what you'll want to do:
- Install Java. Note, you need the full JDK for Solr not just the JRE.
- Install a J2EE application server like Tomcat or Jetty.
- Download the version of Apache Solr you want to use.
- Configure your J2EE application server to run Apache Solr.
- Configure your system to automatically start/stop your application server.
We'll be following along with the instructions provided in this excellent blog post by Ben Chavet over on Lullabot.com, though some of the commands will be a little different since software versions have changed, etc. If you prefer to follow along with written instructions, or want to have the list of commands next to you when it comes time to set things up for real, give that post a read.
A note about security. We will NOT be going over how to restrict access to the Solr instance on the Ubuntu server as that's outside the scope of this tutorial. However, it's important that you do so. At a minimum you'll want to configure your firewall to prevent access to the Solr host from anything other then the web server where you Drupal site lives.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to list the requirements and considerations that need to be evaluated when installing Solr on a production server.
Things you might want to copy/paste if you're following along:
Content of Tomcat context file - /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml
<Context docBase="/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true">
<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/usr/local/tomcat/solr" override="true" />
Content of the Solr definition file - /usr/local/tomcat/solr/solr.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<solr persistent="false">
<cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
<core name="drupal" instanceDir="drupal" />
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In this tutorial we'll walk through downloading and installing the Search API module, the Search API Solr module, and their dependencies. Then we'll look at using the Search API Solr configuration files with our Solr server. These configuration files are specially crafted to help with indexing data contained in a Drupal site and allow Solr to have a better understanding of Drupal's entities, fields, and the data that they contain. For example, mapping a Drupal Field API body field on a page node type to the appropriate field type in Solr.
The gist of this tutorial is, locating the Solr configuration files in the search_api_solr/solr-conf/
directory, talking a little bit about what each one does, and then demonstrating how to copy those files into the configuration for your Solr server so that Solr will start using them.
After looking at the various configuration files, and then placing them into our Solr instance, we'll connect Drupal to our Solr server by creating a new Search API server configuration within Drupal's UI. This will allow us to confirm that our Apache Solr server, and Drupal, will be able to talk to one another.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to configure Solr to work with Drupal, connect the two, and verify that the connection is working.
Additional resources
In order for Solr to provide search results we need to first send our Drupal content to the Solr server so that it can be indexed. In this tutorial we'll look at connecting the Search API module with the Solr server and creating an index that maps content in Drupal to data types in Solr. We'll also look at how the various configuration options effect the Solr index.
After creating a Search API index configuration we'll look at running the indexer, essentially queuing all the content on our site for indexing, and then telling Drupal to send the documents on our site to the Solr server for indexing. This can be done either via the UI or with Drush. You can choose to index content as it's created, or for sites with higher rates of new content you can send it to the indexer in periodic batches. Whichever you choose, making sure that you've got a system in place for periodically sending items queued for indexing to Solr is a critical step.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to send content from Drupal to Solr for indexing, and verify that the content is showing up in the Solr server's index.
The Search API module by itself doesn't provide a UI for submitting a search query, or a page for displaying results. Instead, it exposes an API that other modules can use to provide those features. This makes it super flexible, but it also means we've got some extra work to do in order to allow someone to actually perform a search and see the results.
In this tutorial we'll look at using the Search API Pages module to create a simple search page with a form at the top and a list of results ordered by relevancy. Search API Pages is the quickest and easiest way to replace the Drupal core search module's functionality with a form that uses Solr for a search backend instead of MySQL.
When creating a new page with the Search API Pages module we can choose the view mode that we would like to use for displaying results. It works very nicely with Drupal's built-in view modes, as well as contributed modules like Display Suite, in order to allow for a high level of customization of view modes, and thus of the displayed results.
You can also configure the query type to use, choosing from one of: multiple terms, single term, or direct query. For integration with Solr you'll likely want to choose direct query, and allow Solr to handle the query parsing since it has a lot of advanced options that go far beyond what Search API handles on its own. However, we'll look at the different query type configurations, and demonstrate things we can do with direct query searches and the powerful Solr query syntax that we can't do with the other modes.
Finally, we'll look at the block that Search API Pages provides, and use it to replace the search form on the home page of our site with a form that points to our new Search API Pages search results page.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to expose a page on your site that will allow your visitors to perform a search using the Solr index and have the results displayed in Drupal.
Additional resources
There are a couple of configuration options available when configuring a Search API index that we haven't looked at yet: adding additional fields, and using boost values to increase the relevance of a keyword when found in a specific field.
Solr allows you to index any number of additional fields, so we'll add a species and genus field to our index. This is one of the reasons using Search API to interface with Solr is so great. Through it's use of the Entity API, the Search API module has a deep understanding of all the content types on your site and the fields that are attached to them, without you having to write any code, or do anything other than configure things in the UI.
One of the benefits of creating your own search index is that you know your data better than anyone, and you know what people are hoping to find in your content. Solr allows you to configure a boosting value that can be used to increase the relevancy of keywords found depending on where in the data it's located. For example, when someone searches for a keyword we can probably assume that if the keyword is in the page title that the keyword is worth more relevancy points than if the keyword is found in the page body. With boosting we can affect the relevancy ranking of results and help our users more quickly find what they are looking for.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to add additional fields to your Solr index so their content is available for searching, as well as assign a relevancy boosting value when keywords are found in specific fields.