Whether you're updating from Drupal 6 or Drupal 7, or importing data from some other source, you need to know about the migrate system in the latest version of Drupal. This tutorial provides an overview and links to additional tutorials where you can learn more about how all the individual parts work.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better understanding of what the migration system is capable of and know where to find more information about how to use it.
To follow along with the rest of the migration tutorials you'll want to make sure you understand the following concepts and terms as they relate to Drupal migrations.
In this tutorial, we'll take look at the basic components of a migration and familiarize ourselves with some of the concepts and terminology needed to understand how the system works. We'll cover:
- What is a migration?
- Migration templates
- The extract, transform, load process
- Destinations and sources
- Additional Drupalisms
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to identify the various components that a migration is composed of, and explain at a basic level what each is responsible for.
As of right now, the most reliable way to run custom migrations is using Drush. Depending on the version of Drush you're using you may also need the Migrate Tools module. In this tutorial we'll walk through using Drush to run a custom migration, as well as the other commands that can be used to manage the execution of migrations.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to run your custom migrations.
There's a whole ecosystem of contributed modules that build on the Migrate API in Drupal core. They do things like provide Drush commands for working with migrations, add new sources (CSV, JSON, etc.), add new destinations, provide code examples, and fill in other gaps. Think of these as the tools of the trade you’ll use to do your work. In most cases you’ll use these to do the migration, but then once the migration is complete you can remove them from your project.
Then there are the contributed modules that add features to your site. Like Flag, Paragraphs, or Webform. These modules often contain migration-related code that is intended to help make it easier to handle data specific to these modules. There is code in the Flag module, for example, that can help with knowing how to extract flagging records from Drupal 7, and for transforming that data into the format the module expects it to be in for Drupal 10. You might end up having to tweak it a bit, but at least you’re not starting from scratch.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at some of the most commonly used toolset modules.
- Explain what you can expect to find in standard contributed modules related to migrations.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better sense of the various tools available to you for authoring a migration.
Before you begin a Drupal 6 or 7 (source) to Drupal 9 or 10 (destination) migration there are a number of things you should consider. Taking the time to plan your migration will help to ensure that you're successful. In this tutorial we'll take a high-level look at:
- Evaluating your existing Drupal 6/7 site for migration feasibility
- Preparing your source Drupal 6/7 site for a migration
- Preparing the destination Drupal site you're migrating to
By the end of this tutorial you should be ready to start assessing the feasibility of performing a successful migration, and begin making a migration plan.
Planning for a migration is essential. In our collective experience we've never once seen someone sit down and execute a migration flawlessly on their first attempt. Migrations involve preparing and analyzing your source data, building a new website that data can be migrated into, and lots of testing, rolling back, and testing again, in order to get everything right. By the end of this tutorial you should be ready to start planning for your own Drupal migration project, and have a better understanding of the challenges of migrating from one system to another.
Destination plugins handle the load phase of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process and are responsible for saving new data as Drupal content or configuration.
In this tutorial, we'll:
- Examine the role that destination plugins fulfill
- Learn about existing destination plugins
- Better understand when you might need to write your own destination plugin
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to explain what destination plugins does and understand how you'll make use of them in your own migration.
Process plugins manipulate data during the transform phase of the ETL process while the data is being moved from the source to the destination. Drupal core provides a handful of common process plugins that can be used to perform the majority of data transformation tasks. If you need some functionality beyond what is already provided you can write your own custom process plugins.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Examine the role that process plugins fulfill
- Understand the processing pipeline
- List the existing process plugins in Drupal core and what each one does
- Better understand when you might need to write your own process plugin
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what process plugins do, and understand how you'll make use of them in your own migration.
Source plugins extract data from a source and return it as a set of rows representing an individual item to import and some additional information about the properties that make up that row.
Anyone writing a custom migration, or module developers who want to provide a migration path from their Drupal 6 or 7 module, will need to work with source plugins.
In this tutorial we'll talk about the role that source plugins fulfill and how they work. By the end of this tutorial you should be able to determine whether or not you need to write a source plugin for your migration.
When preparing to migrate from an older version of Drupal (Drupal 7 or previous) to the latest version of Drupal (Drupal 8 or later) you'll need to determine if the contributed modules you use are ready to go. The Upgrade Status module can give you a list of all the modules installed on your site, and information about the availability of a latest Drupal version. It's not perfect, and will still require some manual research for some modules, but it is a great start towards helping you plan for your migration.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Install the Upgrade Status module and use it to generate a status report
- Review the generated report
- Talk about using the Contrib Tracker project, and other methods for getting more details about the status of upgrades for any module
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to evaluate all the installed modules on your existing Drupal site and determine the status of a module release that is compatible with the latest version of Drupal.
Why use Migrate Upgrade and Migrate Plus? The short answer is: because it'll save you from having to type out a bunch of YAML by scaffolding a migration for you.
The contributed Migrate Plus and Migrate Upgrade modules are commonly used to aid in the process of performing a Drupal-to-Drupal migration. The combination of the two makes it easier to customize the configuration of individual migrations on a per-project basis by allowing you to edit each individual migrations configuration using the same mechanics that you would to write a custom migration.
It's not the only approach to making these changes, but for many people (including us), it's the most efficient way.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Get a more in-depth look at the role of the Migrate Plus and Migrate Upgrade modules
- Discuss the use cases for using them as part of a Drupal-to-Drupal migration
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what both the Migrate Plus and Migrate Upgrade modules are used for.
Migration plugins are the glue that binds a source, a destination, and multiple process plugins together to move data from one place to another. Often referred to as migration templates, or simply migrations, migration plugins are YAML files that explain to Drupal where to get the data, how to process it, and where to save the resulting object.
Source, process, and destination plugins do the heavy lifting in each phase of the ETL process in a custom migration. We need to choose which plugins we want to use for each phase, as well as map fields from our source data to fields at our destination. A migration YAML file glues it all together and gives it a unique name that we can use to run it.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Determine what information we're going to move, and where we're going to move it to
- Install Migrate Plus and Migrate Tools which we'll use to run our custom migration
- Write a custom migration plugin (configuration) YAML file that will work with Migrate Tools
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to write a custom migration YAML file and understand how to choose the source, destination, and process plugins that will do the work.
This tutorial covers writing a custom process plugin that you can use to manipulate the value of any field during the process (or transform) phase of a migration. Process plugins take an individual field value provided by a source plugin, and perform transformations on that data before passing it along to the load phase.
In this tutorial we'll write a process plugin that can either uppercase an entire string or the first letter of each word in the string depending on configuration.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to start writing your own process plugins.
This tutorial covers writing a custom source plugin that imports data from a MySQL database into Drupal nodes. After completing this tutorial you should understand how to write your own custom source plugin that can:
- Extract data from an SQL source
- Describe the various fields in the source data to the Migrate API for mapping
- Provide unique IDs for each row of imported data
By the end of this tutorial you should be able write a custom source plugin that uses an SQL data store as well as have a foundation for writing source plugins that extract data from any source that PHP can read.
As new major versions of Drupal are released, contributed modules need to be updated for compatibility. As of right now (October 2021) there are a lot of contributed modules with a Drupal 8 release and a patch in the queue to make them work with Drupal 9. However, there's no official Drupal 9 compatible release for the module, so the module can't be installed with Composer. This creates a circular problem where you can't composer require
the module if you don't patch it, but you can't patch it until after it's been downloaded by Composer.
To help solve this common issue, Drupal.org provides a lenient Composer endpoint that publishes all modules as compatible with Drupal 9 regardless of whether that's true or not. By using it, you can composer require
the module and then use cweagans/composer-patches
to apply any necessary patches.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Add the lenient Composer endpoint to our project's composer.json file
composer require
a non-Drupal 9 compatible module - Use Composer to download and apply a patch that makes the module Drupal 9 compatible
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to use contributed modules that require a patch to be compatible with Drupal 9.
Deprecated code is any code flagged for future removal, but which has not yet been removed to ensure that existing code which relies on the to-be-removed code will continue to work. When an API, or feature, becomes deprecated it's a warning to all developers that at some point in the future this thing they are relying on will not exist, and they'll need to update their custom code to a new approach. Preferably before the existing one gets removed.
In this tutorial well:
- Learn about why, and when, code is deprecated in Drupal
- How to identify custom code that is using deprecated features
- How to determine an appropriate upgrade path to the new API
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what code deprecation is, and why it's important for Drupal's continue innovation, as well as how to update your own code when an API you rely on becomes deprecated.
Annotations are specially-formatted PHP docblock comments that are used for class discovery and metadata description. While it is technically possible to use annotations for other purposes, at the moment Drupal only uses them for the plugin system.
In this tutorial we'll look at:
- What annotations are
- The use case for annotations
- How to figure out what you can put into an annotation
By the end of this tutorial you should understand how annotations are used in Drupal and how to write them in your own code.
Many of the processes that Drupal performs when responding to a request are cached in order to increase performance. Creating the HTML for the page that a user sees or the JSON response to a REST request can require thousands of operations. Some operations are time consuming, memory heavy, CPU intense, or all 3. By performing the operation once, and then caching the result for next time, subsequent requests can be fulfilled faster. In order to make it easier to store, retrieve, and invalidate cached data, Drupal provides cache-related services you can use in your code. Drupal also enables you to provide information about the cacheability of data to the Render API to improve the performance of page rendering.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Cover the terms and concepts you should be familiar with when working with the Cache API
- Point to additional resources for more information about how to perform specific tasks with the Cache API
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to define the concepts of bubbling and cache invalidation, and know how cache keys, tags, context, and max-age are used to provide cacheability metadata for items.
Some events are dispatched by Drupal core, some by underlying Symfony components, and some by contributed modules. The list of events that you can subscribe to depends on the modules you've got installed. This can make it tricky to get a complete list.
In this tutorial, we'll look at different ways you can get a complete list of the available events for your Drupal application, and where to find documentation for those events.
Modules or subsystems can dispatch events in order to allow another developer to subscribe to those events and react to what's happening within the application. As a module developer you'll learn how to:
- Define and document new events
- Define new event objects
- Use the event dispatcher service to alert event subscribers when specific conditions are met in your own code.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to explain the use case for dispatching events, and be able to trigger one more events from within your own code.