We now have a site with most of the basic functionality the Band Wagon project needs to start. However, one important piece remains: streamlining the content editing process, and allowing easy image and video integration in posts. In this lesson we will compare content editing tools and discuss how to integrate our media directly into the body of our content.
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Text formats are an important security feature of Drupal, so it pays to understand them. A text format will “scan” your content and make HTML formatting changes to it before sending it to the browser for display. In this lesson we'll see what formats and filters are, and how they relate to each other, walk through the filter workflow, as well as reviewing the default formats that come with Drupal core.
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Let’s set up the WYSYWIG editor for the Band Wagon website, using the WYSIWYG module and CKEditor. Note that if you prefer a different WYSIWYG editor, such as TinyMCE or Aloha, the installation instructions are very similar. In this lesson we'll we'll not only get WYSIWYG set up, but we'll also enable the Media filter and integrate that with our WYSIWYG editor.
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The Media module for Drupal 7 not only supports adding and managing media that is uploaded from a user’s computer into Drupal, but it also comes with a submodule, called Media Internet Sources, that allows using media assets from various Internet locations. In this lesson we'll look at what media internet sources can do for us and quickly explain what stream wrappers are and how they relate to what we want to do on the site.
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Because we already the Media module installed, it’s really easy to enable support to post videos from YouTube on the Band Wagon site. In this lesson we'll enable Media Internet Services and Media: YouTube modules, and make sure everything is working properly to embed a YouTube video into our content.
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If you’ve completed the Band Wagon site to this point, you’ve built a solid foundation for a Drupal-based music fan site that provides the main features we wanted. In this lesson we'll look at some more modules to explore, and how they could enhance the site we've created:
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We've built a nice site for John and Lisa that meets their needs, and has them happily uploading photos and videos to their site. In this lesson we'll tour the Band Wagon site, walking through how we addressed our implementation points, and then wrap up with a review of the modules we used and referenced during the series.
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In this series, Amber will show you how she gathered her wedding invitation responses on a Drupal site using Webform module. You'll learn how to:
- Collect data from users
- Build common types of form fields (including text fields, numeric inputs, and radio button option lists)
- View, export, and analyze those responses
- Automatically email responses as they're submitted
Understanding the basics of Webform empowers you to create your own custom forms such as surveys, feedback forms or your very own RSVP form. Dive in and learn the basics of Webform.
this lesson, we'll configure Webform content type defaults and add our first Webform node.
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Now that we've created a webform node for our form to live, it's time to build the form itself and add the form fields that we'll use to collect responses. In this lesson, we'll add a textfield, select options and number inputs. We'll begin by taking a closer look at the webform in its final state to better understand where we're going, then we'll return to the webform node we created in lesson 2 and we'll add each form component, step-by-step.
In this lesson, we'll configure email settings for the RSVP form. We'll go over the different email header options and customize the default message template, using special tokens that Webform module provides.
Probably the most common use case for view modes is teaser nodes. Or, a node being rendered in the teaser view mode. View modes allow entities to be displayed different depending on context, and also allow other modules like Field API that participate in the entity rendering process to adjust their behavior depending on the requested view mode.
In this lesson we’re going to take a look at an ‘authenticated’ view mode that we can use to adjust the display for any authenticated users. Then we’ll update Entity Controller class and make use of this new view mode in our ::view() method.
NOTE: in the video Joe forgot to change the 'member' label to "Member" and then later in the video when we view it in the UI it is corrected. The sample code included with this video has the correct label.
In this lesson we're going to take a more in-depth look at the UI controller we used earlier to create our administrative UI for the entity. We'll walk through how the controller adds menu paths and the like, without us needing to do any extra work, and then clean up our form-builder functions by overriding the UI controller's method, so that we can gain control of the name of the function that's called.
This lesson takes a look at exposing the data in our entities to views. Lucky for us the entity API handles a lot of this for us. We’ll take a look at what we get for free, using the EntityDefaultViewsController class provided by Entity API module. We'll also discuss ways that we can customize this controller, which we'll tackle in a later lesson.
In order to make the most of the entity APIs integration with other modules, such as Views, we need to describe the properties of our entity in more detail. The API can infer some information about a property based on our schema but we need to tell it that the integer stored in the updated_at column is actually a timestamp. We will do this by implementing hook_entity_property_info()
and describing each of our entities properties. With these definitions in place you will be able to use the formatters in Views much like you would for individual fields on content types provided by core.
Note: Before you implement hook_entity_property_info()
the API makes an educated guess about each property but once you've defined a single property, the API expects you to define all of the properties for your entity. Use the .install
file in your module to get a complete list of the properties you need to define with hook_property_entity_info
. You can also define additional properties that aren't mapped to fields in the database (these can be used for static properties).
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If you've done any module development, you're probably familiar with hook_node_view and Drupal's arrays of doom. In this lesson we'll show you how to get easier access to the same information using entity metadata wrappers. We will use the entity_metadata_wrapper function to retrieve a new EntityMetaDataWrapper
object that provides an interface for easily accessing an entities property and field values. We'll use the getPropertyInfo
method to expose information about individual properties, and the getIterator
method to access fields that contain multiple values, such as tags. You'll see that by using meta data wrappers you can also access properties on referenced entities, such as the email address of the author of a node, without having to load that information independently.
Metadata wrappers also provide a consistent way to access properties common to all entities. For example, every entity in Drupal has a unique ID property or a human readable label, but these properties often have different names. User name vs. node title. Metadata wrappers allow you to access this information in a consistent way.
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Revisions are an important concept in a content management system. Keeping track of all the edits that have been made to a particular entity over the course of its lifetime. A paper trail or sorts. This lesson takes a look at what is required in order to make our Entities support revisions.
If you've worked with Drupal's node system and enabled revisions then you've seen Drupal's basic revision handling in action. Every time you save a node, it creates a new version of that node. You can roll back to previous versions and keep track of how a piece of content has changed over time. Entity API also supports the concept of revisions and in this lesson we're going to take a look at adding revision support for our video entities.
In order to take advantage of this feature, we'll need to modify our database schema to accommodate storing multiple versions of the same entity. We'll move all fields that we want to make "revisionable" into a separate table and set up a new unique version ID field so that we can keep track of revisions.
Then we will update our hook_entity_info
implementation to tell the API that we want to use the revision system and make some changes to the code in our VideoEntityController
so that when an entity is updated we save a revision instead of overwriting the current data.
Finally we'll need to write a simple UI for viewing older versions of our video entity because the Entity API does not provide us with this code by default.
Drupal’s built-in Search module offers powerful, flexible searching features and intelligent ranking of results. Behind the scenes, it’s silently building an index of all the words used in the site’s content. In this lesson we'll:
- Review the Search module settings
- Explain the importance of cron
- Discuss searching with Views
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To transform the Product Finder page into a searchable index, we’ll be adding two new filters to the view: one that restricts the results by manufacturer, and another that restricts results to reviews that mention specific words. In this lesson, we'll:
- Add a filter
- Expose a filter
- Set permissions
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We’re almost done! The only problem with our view now is that clicking the titles in the view links to Amazon.com instead of to our own website. Fortunately, Views provides a handy trick for just this sort of situation; we can “rewrite” the output of the Title field to create a link back to its referring node instead. In this lesson, we'll:
- Exclude a field from display
- Rewrite the output of a field