In this lesson, Joe Shindelar goes over all the possible permissions with Organic Groups. He explains the differences between the regular core permissions, and how Organic Groups can override these to give the proper user experience of grouped content. He will show how this affects each role in a group and how to manage those roles.
Note: In Chapter 8 ("Organic Groups Permissions") there are several blocks (Group details, Create content, etc.) and the "groups" tab in the main menu that were not introduced in Chapter 7. These blocks and the new tab are explained in Chapter 10. Sometimes we don't record tutorials in the same order they appear online, which creates discrepancies. This is what happened here—sorry!
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In this chapter Karen Stevenson will cover getting some content and users into our site. She will achieve this using the Devel module, with a few tips and tricks because of all the references Organic Groups uses to work its magic. The reason we need this content is so we can understand how all the components of a group work. From a manager to member, and individual content, each has a different role in an Organic Group.
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Around 3:22 a new Announcement was made with Cardinals as a selectable option in the Team field. That option only appears if, as admin, you explicitly join the Cardinals group.
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In this chapter, Joe Shindelar goes over all the necessary modules needed to get organic groups up and running. He also discusses that there are two methods using two different modules for viewing group information and content.
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In this chapter Karen Stevenson explains all the pieces that make up an Organic Group content type. Show explains how organic groups adds the necessary fields to make this happen while demonstrating the necessary settings when building your content types. She also covers the content type used for group content as it is different than the group itself. To start the video off she goes over install the necessary modules for the first part of this series.
Note: There have been significant changes to Organic Groups since this lesson was made. Though we would like to revisit this series to update it, we have no current schedule to complete that. The best place to figure out what has changed and why, would be the Organic Groups issue queue on (
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In this video series Karen Stevenson, Michelle Lauer, and Joe Shindelar take a look at the Organic Groups module for Drupal 7. The series starts from the basics, goes through the various required modules used to build a site with Organic Groups, and then gets in depth with creating groups, adding content to groups, and dealing with group membership. In addition to the basics of creating groups, the series also takes a look at the various settings related to both access control and permissions and how you can combine them to create private and public groups. Next we show you how to use the OG Extras module to display more information on the main group page and then how to use the Panels module to display group content and other advanced Fields and Views configuration related to OG. This video assumes that you understand the basics of content, fields, and Views in Drupal. If you need a refresher on these topics, consider reviewing these other tutorial series:
Note: There have been significant changes to Organic Groups since this lesson was made. We use the 7.x-2.x-dev version from May 2012, or the equivalent of 7.x-2.0-alpha3, in our lessons. Though we would like to revisit and update this series, we have no current schedule to complete that. The best place to figure out what has changed and why, would be the Organic Groups issue queue on (
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In this video we take a look at several advanced configuration options when working with calendars. We start off by talking about the various pager options available and how that works with AJAX, and then we explain how you can keep track of the current date that someone is viewing the calendar in as they move through the various displays. We wrap up by covering three methods for working with caching to improve your site's performance, as calendars can be intensive, depending on the site. We'll discuss caching with the Entity cache module, using the Date API date caching, and then review using views caching.
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In this video Karen will show you how to create a date pop-up on your calendar, using the ColorBox jQuery plugin. She shows how to integrate the plugin with Drupal with the Colorbox module and then how to configure this with the Calendar module. Additional notes: The default display is to show the entity label. You will need to change this to show the complete entity otherwise you'll get a popup with no information in it.
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In this video Michelle will give us a tour of our example site from the manager perspective, so we can see how you manage a group. We'll look at the extra administrative rights they have for the group, including accepting new members. We also talk about roles and permissions within a group, and briefly discuss the difference between permissions and access control.
Although the video uses the "dev" version of Organic Groups, there has since been a stable release of the 2.x branch.
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In this presentation Karen walks us through the basic concepts of the Organic Groups 7.2 module, also known as OG. She looks at what OG can do for us, explains how it works in Drupal 7 with entities, and does a brief comparison of OG with a multi-site installation.
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In this video Michelle takes a look at our example site, My Town Sports, from a member's perspective. We can review a list of groups, subscribe and unsubscribe, and create content for a group we belong to.
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Organic Groups with Drupal 7
CourseIn this lesson we will cover what is necessary to use repeating/multiple dates on a single event. After getting the proper modules installed and a content type to handle repeating dates, we show you how the calendar module handles this out of the box. We go even further and explain how everything is setup to give you a better understanding of all the settings necessary to make this happen.
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In this lesson we will configure the day view even further by adding our taxonomy field as a method of grouping events. This will give us the ability to show events grouped together in a column to further organize our day view.
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In this lesson we will cover customizing the day and week view. Sometimes your events may have the same or close to the same start times, this can start to make your calendar look very complicated. We will show you how to utilize the overlapping feature and all of the settings to make the display easier to look at for your viewers. We will also discuss how to bring focus to certain time periods and some more advanced settings pertinent to the week and month view.
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In this lesson we add some usability to our calendars with color-coded striping. You get to pick which colors represent which taxonomy terms so that each calendar event is marked. Alternatively, you can stripe your calendars by content type. We also add the Legend block to our sidebar that shows what each color represents.
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Do you find that you have too many events on one day and that it is skewing the look and feel of your calendar? You have options! You can set a maximum number of events that display per day and include a 'more' link that takes you directly to the View of that specific day. Does that inconsistency bother you? You can make the link appear for any day that has any number of events.
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In this lesson, we cover how to customize the Month and Week view of the calendar. The primary concept in this video deals with the different ways of displaying an event that covers multiple days and how it is outputted to the screen.
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In this lesson we show you how to add an iCal feed to a new calendar and an existing calendar. We cover the required modules for an iCal display as well as the configurations necessary for it to work properly. We also show you what an iCal feed looks like and how you can remove certain fields from it.
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In this chapter we will cover a little hidden gem of the calendar module. We will show you how to place a link at the top of a calendar display to quickly jump into adding content to the calendar based on the content type used.
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In this chapter we will show you some configurations of the calendar that allow you to modify how it outputs things like Monday versus Mon. These configurations can be modified in each calendar display and blocks for what makes sense to the implementation used.