This lesson covers all the updates/differences in the latest 2.x version versus other Drupal 7 releases. The new 2.x version of Display Suite is still in active development at the time that this video was published, but we want to make sure you know the changes that are coming when the new version is finally released. This video is very important to view if you are using Display Suite version 2 for the first time and have watched other videos in this series. It covers UI changes/updates as well as feature differences.
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In this lesson we cover how all over the configurations we have learned using Display Suite are able to be exported to code. This video shows how to do this using CTool but can also be done with Features as well.
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This chapter shows how to create a basic Rules action. It covers:
- The role of the file
- Using hook_rules_action_info
- Writing action callbacks
This series covers the basics and some more of how to write your own plugins to extend the Rules module. It includes:
- A conceptual overview of the Rules modules
- Writing action plugins
- Managing rules data as parameters for Rules plugins
- Writing conditions
- Writing and invoking Rules events
This intro chapter contains a quick presentation of the Rules module from a conceptual perspective. It includes:
- Actions, conditions, events
- Data types: the importance of entities, relationships and tokens
- Lists and loops
- Components and parameters
- Some words about the Rules user interface
If you would like to see more about configuring Rules before continuing this series on writing code to integrate with the Rules module, you can watch the Learning the Rules Framework series. Note that Johan is using the Module filter module to provide the tabs and filter box on his module administration page.
In this lesson we cover another "extra" of Display Suite, Views Displays. This basically allows you to take over a view template file and use Display Suite to layout your views.
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In this lesson we cover several extra options provided by the included "Extras" module with display suite. We will show how turning on the Contextual Links extra makes it easier to edit a layout when viewing an entity that is using it. We also look at the Page Title extra that allows you to hide/show the title for a particular layout. Finally we discuss a very powerful feature that allows you to have an option of an end user to select between different view modes.
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Region to Block
FreeIn this lesson we learn how you can take a display region and create a block out of it to be placed in Drupal core's block system.
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In this lesson we cover using the search display portion of Display Suite. This allows you to have a custom layout for your search results as well as your user search results. Display Suite offers lots of functionality here that you just can't get with a core configuration of search.
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Display Suite Fields
FreeIn this lesson we cover adding different type of custom fields to your layout using Display Suite. From adding a custom code field, blocks, to dynamic fields, each of these can be moved around your layout and replicated/modified across different display modes.
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Omega is a Drupal base theme that provides you with a really nice responsive framework. Omega also provides a lot of configuration options that are accessed through the UI rather than code. So, you can adjust the display settings and know that the underlying framework will be intact.
In this series, we're going to be demonstrating the Omega module by converting an existing Drupal theme into an Omega sub-theme. We'll talk about the HTML and CSS that's involved, and how they work together. We'll be working with theme functions and looking at the Omega best practices around how to break out your theme functions, where to put those, and how to use them.
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PHP for Themers
FreeBefore we dive into advanced theming we are going to review the basic PHP you will need to use. This is a short review of PHP, including topics like data structures (arrays and objects), conditionals and operators, loops, and functions.
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In this series, we talk about template.php, the file where all your functions live. We’ll also discuss preprocess functions and overriding theming functions. You’ll learn how to create new variables and override existing ones using template.php. With these tools you can allow your theme to have complete control of outputted HTML.
In this video you’ll learn when to use a tpl.php file or your template.php file, and we’ll look at differences between them. We’ll also review the three main steps of theming.
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In this lesson we cover how one can use view modes and display suite to allow multiple options of layouts for content display. This allows a user to have a different layout of the same content for different scenarios of the site. Combining this with views and you can start to see the power of display suite in action.
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In this lesson we cover the basics of using Display Suite to modify the layout of a particular content type. We cover all the potential templates, adding classes to regions, and lots of configurations to set to taylor the layout to your needs. We also discuss how you can create your own template files and layouts for your own customizations.
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Area handlers are used in the header, footer and empty text areas when creating a View. In this lesson, we’ll walk through creating our own area handler that can be placed in the footer to provide a summary of all the rows in our View.
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at how to modify the HTML output from Views, explore some of the default templates that Views provides, and learn about the various permutations of names we can give our template files to override output for everything from a large set of Views to a single field on a single View. We’ll also discuss the difference between displays, styles, rows, and fields when it comes to theming a View.
There's a reason views is the most popular module on and it's pointy-clickly user interface is only a part of that. In this series we cover the ins and outs of writing modules that implement the Views API. Once you’ve realized the power of creating complex lists of nodes, users and other content via the views UI the next logical desire is to allow people to do that with the content provided by your custom module as well. This series will take an in-depth look at exposing your own database tables to the Views module so that users can use them as a place to pull content from including the fields themselves and meta-data about how they can be used to create relationships to other content on your site.
After getting the basics out of the way we’ll also take a look at writing our own custom field handlers to expose our module’s data to views so that it can be sorted, filtered, and queried in new ways. We’ll also look at implementing views plugins to do things like add custom access control options to views and to add new output styles.
Once you understand a bit more about how views works under the hood and how easy it is to tie in to that system you’ll be reimaging your solutions for all sorts of different problems.
In this video Joe describes the process of adding the rest of the fields from the databasics module to our implementation of hook_views_data() including how to differentiate between different data types like strings of text and numeric values and how this changes the views module's behavior. Then Joe talks about how to tell views about various tables that can be used in relationship to the databasics table via foreign keys like the node ID.
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Modules Needed
In this lesson Joe will explain what an entity is and provide a little bit of history about how they came into being. We’ll also learn about some of the differences between custom entities and nodes (which happen to be a type of entity) and when, and why you might want to choose to write your own custom entities instead of using the node system or a more traditional datastore.
Entities were introduced in Drupal 7 as a way of taking the things that people loved about nodes + CCK in Drupal 6 and applying them to other types of data like users, comments, and taxonomy terms. The Entity API in Drupal 7 provides a set of common functions and classes to make it easier for developers to create their own custom entity types or to work with existing ones in a generic way. The API in Drupal core however is still missing some really useful tools and is supplemented by the Entity module in Drupal contributed which we'll make heavy use of throughout the series.
In this series we'll learn about the interplay between Entities, Entity Types, Bundles, and Fields and how to write custom code to deal with each of these things. The Entity API demo site files that we use in this series are all located in the Lullabot GitHub, as well as in zip files attached to the respective video pages, under the Downloads tab.
This series covers:
- What entities are and how they fit into the Drupal ecosphere
- EntityFieldQuery
- Entity classes, what they do and how to override them
- Providing an admin UI for adding/editing and deleting entities from Drupal
- Making entities fieldable
- View modes
- Creating custom UI's for dealing with entities
- Describing entity properties to Drupal
- Views integration for entities
- Entity Metadata wrappers
- Making entities revisionable
And much much more. This series assumes that you're already familiar with the basic tenets of writing modules for Drupal and makes use of things like hook_menu() without spending time explaining them. If you're not familiar with Drupal module development, you might want to brush up by watching our Module Development for Drupal 7 first.
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Entity API Demo site files on GitHub
Entity module at