In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of setting up a functional test. Then, we'll learn how to run it using two different test runners. This setup process allows us to be sure we're not getting false positives from the test runners. We'll be working on a functional test, but these techniques apply with minimum modification to all the Drupal PHPUnit-based tests.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to set up and run functional tests in Drupal using two different test runners.
This tutorial will clarify some basic ideas about software testing. We'll give some strategies for testing and illustrate types of tests and when and why you'd use them. This document is written with Drupal in mind, but the concepts apply for other development environments you'll encounter as well. The tools will be different, but the ideas apply universally. By the end of this tutorial, you should understand what testing is for and how different types of tests support different purposes and outcomes.
In order to run functional tests that require JavaScript be executed for the feature to work, the tests need to be run in a browser that supports JavaScript. This is accomplished by using the WebDriver API in combination with an application like ChromeDriver or Selenium, which can remotely control a browser.
The exact setup for running functional tests is dependent on your development environment. We'll walk through a couple of common examples including using Docker (via DDEV) and stand-alone applications.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to install and run ChromeDriver and other necessary tools either in a Docker environment, or locally.
- Configure the relevant PHPUnit environment variables so they contain values appropriate for our specific environment.
- Execute Drupal's functional JavaScript tests via the
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to install the applications required to run functional JavaScript tests in a browser, and know how to configure PHPUnit to make use of them.
Themes and modules can alter the list of theme hook suggestions in order to add new ones, remove existing ones, or reorder the list. This powerful feature allows for the definition of custom logic in your application that can tell Drupal to use different templates based on your own unique needs. You might for example; use a different page template for authenticated users, or a custom block template for someone's birthday.
In this tutorial we'll cover:
- Adding new theme hook suggestions from a theme using
- Altering the list of theme hook suggestions
- Removing theme hook suggestions
- Reordering the list of theme hook suggestions
In Drupal's Appearance UI, all themes get a theme settings form. As a theme developer, you can customize the theme settings form, enabling site administrators to have more control over the appearance of the theme.
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to add admin-configurable settings to your theme. In the process of doing this, we'll use a variety of theme and module development skills and assume you have some familiarity with using Drupal's Form API, Configuration API, and theme system (see Prerequisites).
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to provide custom theme settings that an administrator can use to modify the appearance of the theme.
Any text that will be displayed to user as part of your application's user interface should be passed through the t()
function, or an equivalent, so that it can be translated into other languages as needed. This tutorial will look at how to use the t()
This tutorial contains information that applies to anyone writing modules or themes. And many of the tutorials you read on this site and on the web in general will expect that you understand how basic string translation works.
In this tutorial we'll look at:
- Passing strings through the
function or equivalent so they are available for translation - Using placeholders for dynamic content in translatable strings
- Tips for making your code's interface strings easier to translate
Before you can create a path or link to another page on your site, you'll need to know the route (unless there is already a variable available for the URL you need). Finding a route can be a tricky task unless you have the right tools. In this tutorial, we'll show how tools like Webprofiler, Drush, and Grep can be used to get route information for a page, so that you can use functions that need a route as a function parameter.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to determine the route or path of an internal page.
When a user creates a view, they can set access rules, and restrict who can see the view. The core Views module allows you to limit access by a user's permissions, or roles. If your project requires custom access rules you can define a custom Views access plugin. This will allow you to determine a user's access based on any custom logic you might have.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define a custom Views access plugin that determines access based on data stored in a field on the user entity type.
- Learn the difference between access checks for routes and access checks for Views displays, and how to use each of them.
- Use our new custom access handler when defining a view.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to define a custom Views access plugin and use it to grant access to a view.
Area handler plugins are used to determine what is displayed in areas such as the header, footer, and empty text sections of a view. The handlers provided by core cover displaying result summaries, and allowing users to enter in HTML to display. They are already pretty versatile. However, they may require code knowledge to accomplish some specific tasks. If you'd like to have a more specialized area handler that can be reused across multiple views, you may want to look into defining a custom area handler plugin.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Create a custom area handler plugin with settings that can be updated through the Views UI.
- Use the new area handler plugin in a view.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to define a custom area handler with settings and use it in Views.
In Expose a Custom Database Table to Views we learned how to let Views know about custom tables created by a Drupal module. In that example, the custom table was a stand-alone one, without any connections to the other tables in the database. However, it's common for data in one table to relate to data in another.
For example, you might have TableA
with the columns first_name, last_name, email
and TableB
with the columns email, score
can be used to join the two tables together.
It's useful to define these relationships for Views so that when TableA
is used as the base table the fields from TableB
are also available in the view. When the fields from a related table are automatically loaded, this is known as an implicit relationship. Our earlier example could benefit from the relationship with the users_field_data. This relationship will allow us to associate First Name and Last Name fields from the subscriptions table with the users on the site.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define the difference between implicit and explicit relationships in Views.
- Learn how to create an implicit relationship between 2 tables using
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to describe custom implicit relationships in a view, making data from one or more secondary tables available to the Views query builder.
Any Drupal module that provides custom database tables should implement hook_views_data()
to describe the schema of those tables to Views. This hook is used to provide information to Views about the fields in a table, their human-readable names, and the types of data (string, integer, date, etc.) stored in each column. You can also tell Views how it should handle sorting, filtering, and formatting the data. Implementations of hook_views_data()
can also be used to describe relationships between tables.
If you're creating a module that implements hook_schema()
and adds new tables to the database it's a good idea to also add support for Views. Among other things, it'll allow administrators to create any user-facing displays of data from your table using Views. Then, they can be edited without having to write code. Once you've described your table to Views via hook_views_data()
Views will be able to provide a way for administrators to construct queries against your data via the UI.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Use
to expose a custom table defined in a Drupal module to Views. - Learn how to describe different types of data to Views.
- Demonstrate the relationship between
and what a site administrator has access to in the Views UI.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to describe custom database tables and their fields to the Views module.
Using hook_views_post_render()
Drupal module developers can change the render array representation of a View before it gets displayed. You can use this to modify the computed HTML of a view just before it gets printed. This hook is similar to using a preprocess function for a template file, but in this case you have access to the whole render tree, not just the specific leaf covered by the template file you're preprocessing.
This hooks gets called after the Views object has been through the render process, and all the different configured displays and formatters have been applied, producing a render array representation of the results of the view. This hook receives an $output
parameter which contains the render array, and only changes made directly to the $ouput
variable will have any effect. This hook is the last chance to make changes to the render array before it is converted to markup.
You can use hook_views_post_render()
to change #cache
properties for the View, and to do things like add CSS classes to rows, and change the page title.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to alter a view's rendered output right after the Views object completes the render phase of the build cycle.
- Use
to change the title of the view's display
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to alter the render array generated by a View prior to it being passed to the theme layer and converted to HTML.
Developers can implement hook_views_pre_render()
to make changes to a ViewsExecutable
object and change the render array that gets generated by the render phase of a view. By the time hook_views_pre_render()
gets invoked, the data to display has already been collected, and things like field formatter configuration have been loaded. This hook gives you the opportunity to dynamically alter that configuration before it's passed to field handlers that will ultimately calculate and return a render array by combining the field configuration with the query results.
You might, for example, dynamically change the label used in a table depending on context that doesn't exist in the view itself. Another example, and the one we'll use here, is transforming a view's rows into a slider (or tabs, or an accordion). That requires that you alter the views object before rendering and attach a custom JavaScript library.
If the thing you want to change is the configuration of the display or any fields, or the contents of the results (versus the presentation of the results) of a view, than hook_views_pre_render()
is the right place to do that. If you're looking to alter the generated render array than you'll likely want to use hook_views_post_render()
In this tutorial we'll:
- Alter a
object usinghook_views_pre_render()
before the view is rendered. - Attach custom JavaScript (or CSS) to a view.
- Transform a view of article nodes into an interactive slider using the Slick Slider JavaScript library and some custom JavaScript code.
By the end of this tutorial, you should know how to alter the render array of a view and attach custom and third-party asset libraries in a Drupal site.
At its core, Views is a query generator. It provides a way for site builders and developers to construct queries for Drupal content using an intuitive user interface. The UI allows you to configure the fields, filters, sorting, and relationships in the generated query using common conditions. In most cases, this is sufficient. However, there are situations where you need to dynamically alter the constructed query using hook_views_query_alter()
prior to its execution.
One example use case is adding sort parameters to a search view if no search terms have been entered. You can use hook_views_query_alter()
to check if a search term was entered. If so, sort the result by relevance; and if there are no search terms, sort the results by date. Or maybe you need to dynamically set the value of a filter condition based on a calculation performed by your custom code.
Using hook_views_query_alter()
in a custom module, you can alter the query that is generated by a view before the query is performed. In most cases this alters the SQL query used. This same technique will work regardless of the storage system Views is querying.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to alter a view's query using the
hook in Drupal - Use
to dynamically add a new sort condition that could not be achieved using the UI
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to alter the database query used to retrieve the results for a view.
The Views module is a query generator and render engine in Drupal core. It's typically used to create and output collections of items such as Drupal content entities. But it can also aggregate users, blocks, log records, and more. The output can be rendered many ways, including as a list, a grid, or an RSS feed. Views is commonly used in Drupal to create pages, blocks and other types of displays.
Through the Views API developers can expose new data to Views, add new configuration options, create new output plugins, field formatters, sort handlers, filter handlers, and more. By creating these customizations as extensions of Views instead of as stand alone queries, or hard-coded lists, you can empower site administrators to mix and match your customizations with the existing feature set in any way they might need.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Get a high level overview of the Views API.
- Discuss the functional parts of the Views API such as hooks, plugins, and data types.
- Learn how to use the Views API in your project.
By the end of this tutorial you'll have a solid understanding of the parts of the Views API and some guidance on which to use for your goals.
In the process of displaying the content of a view to an end user, every view goes through a common build cycle. As a developer it helps to understand the build and render cycle that a view goes through and how you can use it to alter the final result. It helps to know where things are in the cycle when your code is executed, and how that impacts what your code can and can't do. The Views module exposes hooks -- documented in views.api.php -- that allow developers to influence every step of the cycle. This includes altering the database query that gets executed, changing the configuration of filters, computing things based on raw results, and changing the rendered output of any field.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn the steps of the Views build and render cycle.
- Identify the hooks invoked during each step and provide examples of what types of things you might do with each hook.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to list the hooks invoked by Views, when they get called during the build and render cycle, and explain the impact this has.
Drupal's Entity API allows developers to expose custom entities to the Views module, and takes care of many common features. It can handle exposing the fields associated with fieldable entity types for use as fields, filters, sorts, and arguments. It provides a way to customize any aspect of the Views integration, and makes it possible to create explicit relationships between 2 different entity types.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Expose a custom Subscriber content entity type and all of its data to Views.
- Create an explicit relationship between the custom content entity and Drupal core User entities.
- Build a view of Subscriber entities.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to expose custom entities to Views.
Filter plugins provide the logic for determining what items to include in a view. They are the equivalent of a WHERE
clause in an SQL statement. Filters can be exposed to the end user, allowing the viewer to enter a value, or select from a list of options, that are used to filter a list. For example, the options at the top of the Content list at /admin/content allow you to limit the list by content type.
Drupal's Views module provides filter plugins that can handle filtering for all core defined field types, as well as generic data types like numbers and strings. In situations where these filters don't meet your functional requirements, or you need a filter for a custom field, you may want to define a custom Views filter plugin. A common real-world scenario is defining a new filter plugin that extends an existing one and adds new possible values or options. For example, providing a relative date filter that allows a user to choose options like Last week or Last month.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to create a Views filter plugin.
- Associate our new custom filter with data exposed to Views, so it can be used.
- Learn how to use it in a view as an exposed filter.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to create a custom filter plugin and use it in Views.
Sort plugins are responsible for determining how the data in a list created with Views is sorted. Sort plugins are applied to fields. For example, a field might contain numbers and the sort plugin can handle putting the values into ascending or descending order. Typically, sort plugins work by adding to the ORDER BY
clause of an SQL query.
The Views module provides sort plugins for all core field types. This includes handling for most primitive data types like strings and numbers. A typical use case for creating a custom sort plugin is extending an existing sort plugin with new conditions or custom sorting logic. For example, you might need to create an alphabetical title sort that excludes articles like a, an, and the. Or a sort based on combining the values in multiple fields.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to create a custom Views sort plugin
- Associate our custom sort plugin with a field exposed to Views
- Use the sort plugin in a view to sort a list of Article nodes
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to create a custom sort plugin for the title field.
Views field handler plugins handle retrieving and displaying data within a view. The Drupal core Views module provides field plugins for all the core field types, and these work well for many situations where you need to describe custom data sets to Views. For situations where an existing plugin doesn't match your requirements, you can define a custom field handler plugin and alter both the query that gets executed and the rendered output of the data.
This is common for contributed modules that define new field types, or any module using hook_views_data()
to define a dataset to Views where the data contained in a database column may need special handling in order to be displayed as part of a view.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Implement a custom Views field handler plugin
- Extend the default date field plugin and modify the way that it displays a timestamp so that instead of a specific date we get a relative value
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to define a custom field handler plugin and use it in a view.