Overview of the administrative parts of a view.
Upgrade Drupal
CourseInstall and Update Drupal
CourseKeep Drupal Up-To-Date
TopicComposer is the preferred dependency management solution for PHP, is used by Drupal core, and is becoming increasingly popular for managing the modules and themes used for a Drupal project.
Layout Builder in Drupal
CourseManaging Media in Drupal
CourseBuild Drupal Sites
GuideWhen building with Layout Builder, the list of blocks available for a site administrator to place in a layout can grow and become overwhelming to navigate. This is especially true when you've got a lot of different modules enabled, as each can add new blocks. As well, complex configurations may require site admins to create more and more custom blocks. Some blocks, like certain Views, or default core blocks like "Who's online", are not meant to be used within the Layout Builder. These blocks can clutter the UI and also impact the performance of Layout Builder UI. The contributed module Block List Override is designed to help solve this problem.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn what the Block List Override module does
- Install and configure the module to improve the user experience when creating layouts
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to use the Block List Override module to improve the UX of the Layout Builder interface.
Access control for the Media entities in Drupal works in much the same way as any other content entity. The module provides fine-grained control over create, update, and delete operations, while providing only basic control over who can view Media assets. The thinking is that there are too many possible permutations of how an application may want to restrict read access to content. Therefore, rather than try and pick one setting and add it to core, it's left entirely up to the site administrator and contributed modules.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the different permissions provided by the Media module for controlling access to Media entity operations
- Discuss some common misconceptions about file permissions that can lead to potentially exposing private data
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to configure access control for Media entities, and explain how access control relates to files attached to a Media entity attached to a Node.
Drupal media entities are fieldable entities, which means that you can add any custom fields you want to your Media types. These fields can be used for collecting additional metadata about a resource, categorizing and organizing resources so they're easier to find in a large media library, or for displaying information like a photo credit or transcript for a video. The possibilities are endless once you know how to add, and optionally display, fields in Drupal.
Some example use cases for adding fields to Media types:
- Collect, and display, a credit to go along with a photo. This could also be a date, a location, or any other metadata.
- Store resource width and height dimensions as custom fields so they can be referenced by display logic in the theme layer.
- Use Taxonomy reference fields to add tags or categories to help keep a large library organized.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to add fields to a Media type
- Verify our new custom field is working
By the end of this tutorial you'll know how to add custom fields to any Media type.