Goes over the Macro Maker demonstration module in order to show what functionality we will be building over the next couple of chapters.
Shows how to pass variables from the PHP and Drupal side over to the front-end JavaScript scripts that are running so that you can use the Drupal interface to create customized settings that will appear in your jQuery scripts.
Goes into depth about some of the JavaScript constructs and tools that Drupal provides when writing JavaScript for Drupal. Topics include using Drupal.behaviors and variable settings.
There where a couple of changes to the Drupal.behaviors system for D7. You can find out more information about the changes here: http://drupal.org/update/modules/6/7#drupal_behaviors
And more general information about using the new system here http://drupal.org/node/756722
Once you've converted from the old Drupal.behaviors.myModule = function(context)
to the new syntax
Drupal.behaviors.myModule = {
attach: function(context, settings),
detach: function(context, settings)
The rest is pretty much the same.
Shows the steps involved in converting a regular table into a table that is sortable by columns that you specify.
A review of the Form API properties that provide interactive user interface elements by automatically adding JavaScript behaviors to the form elements.
Create dependencies between form elements so that you can show/hide or disable/enable one form setting based upon the form state of another from setting.
Go on a brief tour of other jQuery and JavaScript-related contributed modules that are worth knowing about.
A review of all of the material covered within the jQuery & JavaScript in Drupal series.