We've already used some filters in our views, but now we'll look at how to do a few fancy things with filters. We'll expose some filters to let our end users choose the filtering they would like to apply, and we'll see how you can decide whether all of the filters are required by using the AND and OR operators.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
Views is great for making listings of all kinds of content for many different tasks and users. You don't always want everyone on your site to see everything you put in a view though. In this video we'll learn how to limit access to a particular view, using the built-in menu and access restriction settings. We create a new view to list all of the applications that have been received on the site and make sure that only site staff can access it.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
We'll look at making a nice, sortable table by switching from grid to table style, and using individual fields instead of teasers in the Job openings view we set up in the last video.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
Shows the interface for adding fields to other entities such as taxonomy terms, comments and users. Walks through the process of adding a user profile field that will show up on the user registration form and appear on the user's profile page.
In this video we'll create our fist view from scratch. We make a Job Openings page, along with an associated RSS feed, and a sidebar block.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
In this video we'll take a tour of the Views user interface, starting with looking at existing views, editing one of them, seeing what we have to work with, and then making som edits. The Views interface has a lot of configuration options so it's good to have a sense of what is available and where things are located. We'll use many of the pieces throughout the series, but this video gets you started by making a few simple edits and then reviewing our changes.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
In this video we look at what Views displays are, the different ones available out of the box, and how to add some block displays to our Job openings view.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
Here we'll see how to customize what our View is showing by using the views formats. We look at a few different format styles and discuss the difference between using the fields or content settings for display.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
Shows how to set up private files in Drupal 7 and custom upload path as well as how to set up an image field.
Goes through the default content types of the Article and Page that are provided in Drupal 7, and shows the similarities and differences between the two. Also goes through some of the configuration options, which define the default settings whenever a new node is created.
Shows how to configure image styles for the uploaded headshot in order to resize the image to a more reasonable and standardized size.
Shows how to associate and create a relationship between two nodes with the node reference field type, and how to set up the node reference URL widget in order to auto-populate the node relationship via a link on the referring node.
Goes through the process of adding a role and then creating a user reference field, which autocompletes to users within that specified role.
Goes through the process of creating a hierarchical set of taxonomy terms, and then adding an autocomplete taxonomy term reference field to a content type.
Goes through the process of adding three new fields to the job posting content type including an integer text field for the salary, a select list of job type, and a checkbox as to whether or not telecommuting is allowed.
Provides an overview of the example job posting site that will be built over the remaining chapters of this video series. Joe gives a tour of the job posting content type as well as the job application content type.
Shows how to change the formatting and label display for fields, and how to control whether a field appears in the teaser, full mode, search results and other display mode contexts.
Goes through the process of creating a new content type of a job posting, and shows how to customize the Title and Body labels for this new content type.
Gives a high-level overview of the field configuration page and defines the field types, widget and display formatters. Also adds a simple text field as an example of extending an existing content type.
Goes through the process of creating a view of something other than content. In this case it's a view of users, and this chapter talks about other types of views of entities that are possible from different base tables.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.