In episode 20 of the Drupalize.Me podcast, we're fortunate to be joined by guest Chris Eppstein, the creator of Compass, and part of the core Sass team. We also have three Lullabot front-end developers on the podcast, Micah Godbolt, Kris Bulman, and Carwin Young.
Setting up Your Developer Environment
Blog postIn my new position at Drupalize.Me I have the luxury of helping a lot of projects in little ways. Being able to context switch quickly helps a lot. This means I've put a lot of time into how my workstation is setup so that I can easily move from one project to another. With the new job I also decided to add OSX to the mix of computers that I use on a daily basis.
Oscon Can Be Worth the Investment
Blog postIn a few short weeks I'll be headed on the road once again for two great events: Twin Cities DrupalCamp and OSCON. On the surface these two events couldn't be more different. One is intimate, inexpensive, and full of Drupal. The other is big, an investment, and has hardly any Drupal. Seems like an obvious win for Twin Cities DrupalCamp, right? Well, let's dive a little deeper into what makes OSCON worth the price tag.
In the latest podcast episode, BDD, Behat, and Drupal, the Drupalize.Me team is joined by Melissa Anderson (eliza411) to talk about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and using a testing tool called Behat.
Using Drupal Book in Video Lessons
Blog postMany moons ago, back in 2008, several Lullabots wrote the first edition of Using Drupal, published by O'Reilly Media. In 2012, myself and Angie Byron, with the help of Bruno DeBondt, updated Using Drupal with a second edition for Drupal 7. This year we're happy to announce the video version of Using Drupal.
This week we will finish up the Mom and Pop, Inc. website we're building for the Drupal Jumpstart series, from the O'Reilly book Using Drupal, Second Edition. Throughout this series we've been learning the basic building blocks of Drupal through creating content, working with modules, configuring access permissions, and creating users. To wrap things up today, we'll be discussing content moderation methods, and changing the look of your site with themes.
Now Hiring Drupal Trainers
Blog postDrupalize.Me is looking for Drupal trainers. We have a lot of new content on deck and we're looking for the right person to become part of the great team we have here. We obviously focus on video content, but we also love to do in-person training for private, on-site workshops, and public events, like DrupalCon, camps, and tech conferences around the world. We are already starting to build out a whole bunch of new curricula for Drupal 8 and other Drupal-related technologies.
In this week's episode Addi gets to chat with Alex Pott, who is one of the few people who can commit code directly to Drupal core.
This week we are moving on to the next chapter of the O'Reilly Using Drupal series with Using Drupal Chapter 3: Job Board, where we will build out a job board to get familiar with the two fundamental building blocks of Drupal sites: Fields and Views. Through this series we'll create two new content types with a variety of fields, and then explore using Views to create custom lists of that content, including creating dynamic, contextual listings.
Podcast Episode 24: Coderdojo and Drupal
Blog postIn Episode 24 of the Drupalize.Me podcast, Addi is joined by Bill Liao, co-founder of CoderDojo, and Drupalers and CoderDojo volunteers Heather James (heather) and Mike King (emkay).
Today we are going to wrap things up on the Using Drupal Chapter 3: Job Board series. We've created a site that meets the Epic University requirements, and learned the fundamental building blocks of putting together a Drupal site. In our last two lessons we are going to look at modules we could use to make our site even better, and then we are going to do our final tour and review of the site we've built, looking at what we've done, and how we built it.
Release Day: Using the Views Module
Blog postIn this week's installment of the Using Drupal Chapter 3: Job Board series, we get into the world of Views. The Views module is the most used contributed module in Drupal 7. It is so popular in fact, that it has been included in core for Drupal 8. Views lets us list content on our site. It can be used to accomplish so many tasks when it comes to building your site that you really do need a good foundation with this to understand many Drupal site-building concepts.
TopicThe Git version control system can help you keep track of changes in your codebase and make sure you don't unintentionally lose work.
Supporting Open Source the Gittip Way
Blog postThere has been a lot of talk in the Drupal community recently about Gittip. Gittip is a way to donate money to people who are doing good work. The part that really makes Gittip different from other donation or crowd-funding plans is that it is set up to provide regular, weekly payments. One-time gifts are great, but a steady source of income is what a lot of people really need, especially folks who are mostly unemployed and working essentially for free on projects you care about. A few weeks back we had Alex Pott on the podcast (Episode 23: Alex Pott and Working on Drupal Core) to talk about his work, and the fact that he has been self-funding himself to be able to focus on Drupal core. We think this is a really, really important conversation in the Drupal community, and definitely recommend you listen to the podcast for more insight.
TopicKeeping a Drupal site secure requires monitoring security announcements, performing regular updates, and knowing how to properly use Drupal’s APIs to write secure code.
You've probably heard of this magical land of version control where you can undo bad things, start over, and share your work effortlessly. It's a wonderful place that, let's face it, actually takes a bit of work to get to. It's a lot like Drupal: the more time you spend with version control, the more you forget how hard and complicated it was at the very beginning. And even when you understand it, you can still get yourself into a fuddle sometimes.
Drupal Composer Project
TopicThe Drupal Composer Project provides a scaffold for starting a new Drupal project and managing that project's dependencies with Composer. It was created before the drupal/recommended-project Composer project template was developed, which is the current best practice method for creating a new Drupal site with Composer.
TopicHTML and CSS are the foundational languages for how browsers display web pages.
We are getting close to completing our site in the Using Drupal Chapter 3: Job Board series. This week we are going to finish up our requirements by building out the Applications view. This view gets a little tricky though, because we need to create three very different displays, and control who has access to some of those displays. This means we'll be doing a lot of overrides in our different displays. We also get to work with Views relationships to pull even more information into our view.
TopicYAML, which stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language, is a human-readable data serialization format that's been widely adopted in a variety of use cases in Drupal.