Drupal’s theming system gives designers complete control over how a site’s content is rendered for a web browser, and custom themes can give any site a distinctive look. But sometimes it’s useful to make minor tweaks to a site’s appearance using nothing but CSS rules. They allow designers to tweak font sizes, colors, and so on without altering the underlying HTML that defines the site’s structure. In this lesson we'll look at:
- CSS Injector module
- Explain how this works
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Although our “Product review” content type has all of the data we need, the individual reviews still look a bit untidy. In this lesson, we’ll do some final tweaking to make the review display look nice and tidy.
- Setting Field Display Options
- Configuring CSS Injector
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Now that we have a few products, we really ought to add a listing page that lets visitors look over all of the products that have been reviewed, comparing official ratings with visitor ratings and sorting by various criteria. This is a perfect job for Views. In this lesson:
- Create a Product Finder view
- Display Amazon information
- Display voting results
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With so much information, and so many products, on the web today, people often want to get an opinion to help rank and rate things. Should I buy this widget? Should I watch this movie? In this series, we’re going to use a handful of Drupal modules to build a product review website that lets community members give their opinions, along with a way to rate their review as well. To kick things off, in this lesson we will:
- Review the Super Duper Chefs case study
- Discuss our implementation
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To get started, we'll need to create a content type to use for our product reviews. Based on the Super Duper Chefs requirements, in this lesson we'll:
- Create the Product Review Content Type
- Add a Field group
- Set permissions
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Amazon.com is one of a large number of web-based businesses that have opened up their product information databases for other sites to access. In the case of Super Duper Chefs, we want to retrieve useful data like product photos, pricing, and manufacturer information for display on our own website. The Amazon module for Drupal allows us to do just that. In this lesson we'll take a look at the Amazon module, by starting with:
- What’s Included?
- Locale
- Referral settings
- Amazon keys
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In a previous lesson in this series, we set up a content type for our product reviews. Now, we’re ready to add a field to store a link to the product on Amazon.com. In this lesson we'll:
- Enable and configure the Amazon module
- Get our Amazon key
- Add the Product Field
Note that Amazon changes the way they manage keys over time, so the way they are generated in the lesson may have changed. Please review the official AWS Product Advertising API documentation for current key generation instructions.
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To transform the Product Finder page into a searchable index, we’ll be adding two new filters to the view: one that restricts the results by manufacturer, and another that restricts results to reviews that mention specific words. In this lesson, we'll:
- Add a filter
- Expose a filter
- Set permissions
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All the power of views made available to your API. Really, what else is there to say? In this lesson Joe walks through installation and basic configuration of the services views module which provides the ability to expose views as resources via the services module.
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In addition to using views to expose lists of things via our API we can also take advantage of views exposed filters to allow API consumers more control over the data they are receiving in a request. In this lesson Joe looks at accessing views exposed filters via REST requests by adding an exposed filter to both of the perviously created views and then walking through how the configuration of the view changes the behavior of the filter when used via the services API.
In addition to the built in support for core's data and actions the services module also provides a robust framework for exposing the data and actions of our custom modules as an API. In this lesson Joe writes a basic module which creates a custom resource for saving and retrieving a "checked in" status for an authenticated user.
Example commands:
Check a user's status
curl http://localhost/demos/services-7x-test/docroot/api/v1/drupalsquare/1 -H "Accept: application/json"
Check-in a user
curl http://localhost/demos/services-7x-test/docroot/api/v1/drupalsquare/checkin -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"uid":1}'
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An API that exposes data and actions to a 3rd party is only as good as the documentation for that API. Without good documentation no one will be able to make use of the API you just spent so much energy creating. In this lesson Joe shows some of his favorite API documentation examples and then walks through creating some basic documentation for the resource we created in the previous lesson.
Additional resources
Example - GitHub API Documentation
Example - Recurly Documentation
http://apiary.io - tool to assit in writing good documentation
In this lesson Joe will demontrate using additional parameters and arguments to refine the returned data when making requests from our API. As well as walking through the code that shows where the various parameters are defined and how you can find what options are available. Finally, we install the services tools module which provides some additional documentation.
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Services implements resources for all of core's basic data types but sometimes the information returned in the response is either to much or to little and we want to make changes to the response data. In this lesson Joe will look at how we can write a simple custom module that implments basic hooks provided by the services module to allow us to alter the response returned by a request to the node resource.
Most of the actions we want to perform and data we want to retrieve from an API is likely restricted to authenticated users. This lesson will outline the process of making an authenticated request and walk the user through the configuration that is required for our services endpoint in order to start allowing session based authentication.
In this lesson Joe walks through making authenticated requests to our API with cURL. Although cURL can be a bit verbose when making authenticated requests it serves as a good way to talk about all the headers that are a required and a lowest common denominator for how you could accomplish authentication in just about any language or application.
Example commands
curl http://services-demo.lan/api/v1/user/login -d '{"name":"admin","pass":"admin"}' -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
curl http://services-demo.lan/api/v1/system/connect -X POST
curl http://services-demo.lan/api/v1/system/connect -H "Cookie: SESS60f8c5b86739b7e326223b4ef35867b2=A86XHGJWlnDcMOGcArbOT-qHrsIi5P2NrcoNTXwWluw" -H "X-CSRF-Token: T77haXwD7JKOJsBlKP3p3kLbjQO96bQWvGJAE1_PUZM" -X POST
curl http://services-demo.lan/api/v1/user/login -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
In this lesson Joe walks through making authenticated requests using the Chrome REST Console Plugin
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The Chrome plugin demonstrated in this video is no longer available but there are many alternatives available. Use Postman or search for "REST client" to find tooling options.
This lesson walks through defining the URL that will serve as the endpoint for your API as well as all the basic configuration for your new services endpoint with the exception of resource configuration which is covered in the following lesson.
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The services module exposes most of Drupal core's data as resources and provides CRUD operations and additional actions for each. In this lesson Joe will look at the available resources, talk about the various CRUD operations and actions and then enable the node resource and demonstrate retrieving node data as JSON from the services endpoint.
Additional resources
JSON Formatter - Chrome plugin to display results of a JSON request in a nicer way.