The Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module is a great extension for the Views module, which allows you to add bulk operation checkboxes and actions to any view. You often see bulk operations on various Drupal core administration pages, like the content administration screen, which lets you select multiple pieces of content, and then perform an action, like publishing or deleting, on all items at the same time. VBO lets you add this to your administrative screens, which allows you to create very customized reports that also have time-saving actions available to them as well.
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We introduce code deployment without a terminal using
Deployment means moving your code from environments such as local to production – with version control, which allows for backups, fixing mistakes, and collaborative environments.
Git is the type of version control used in Drupal, and we'll discuss Git in this lesson.
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Deploying Your Code
FreeIn this lesson we will take the code we have committed to our remote repository and manually push it to our production server. We will cover how to setup deployments on and the some of the advantages of using a tool like this.
A question we are commonly asked is: how did your production environment recognize the new feature?
Answer: Reverting a feature reverts it back to what is in code. So by updating the code it always looks to the code so there is no need to revert it. You usually revert a feature if you have made changes that are stored in the database and you need it to look back to the code as your database changes are not what you wanted or are wrong. If the changes you made in the database are what you want, then you update/recreate the feature.
In this lesson, we will cover the basics of getting code into version control using the Mac app "Tower" and then making the first commit and pushing it to the remote repository we will setup on
In this lesson we will cover using Lightbox2 and Colorbox with content in your site. Taking a lightbox beyond just enlarging images, we will demonstrate displaying nodes and using Views with a lightbox.
In this lesson we will use both the Lightbox2 and Colorbox modules in actual real world uses. We will demonstrate how to use each module or helper modules to use with images, create slideshows and galleries.
In this lesson, we will take a look at the Colorbox module and its configuration page. We also will discuss some other helper modules that work great with Colorbox. Later in the series, we will demonstrate some uses of Colorbox and techniques to make the most of it.
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Modules Needed
In this lesson we will cover the configuration pages for the Lightbox2 module. This module offers a ton of options and the configuration page can be daunting. Later in the series, as we get into using Lightbox2, we will demonstrate how to apply some of these configurations.
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Modules Needed
A Lightbox brings content to the user's attention.
To decide which Lightbox module you should use for your Drupal project, think about what you will use it for. Do you need to handle images and video? HTML? Integration with other modules? Various browsers?
Once you choose one to meet your needs, we’ll show you how to go about using it.
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In this lesson we take a look at an extremely useful tool for communicating with the Drupal community (and many other Open Source communities as well). We will find out what IRC is, why you would want to use it, how to get connected, and some basic guidelines and tips for talking with people on IRC. We'll also explain what the IRC bot, Druplicon, is and how you can use it.
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In this lesson, we’ll take a look at how to modify the HTML output from Views, explore some of the default templates that Views provides, and learn about the various permutations of names we can give our template files to override output for everything from a large set of Views to a single field on a single View. We’ll also discuss the difference between displays, styles, rows, and fields when it comes to theming a View.
Area handlers are used in the header, footer and empty text areas when creating a View. In this lesson, we’ll walk through creating our own area handler that can be placed in the footer to provide a summary of all the rows in our View.
In this lesson we show how everyone can help with the documentation. We take a quick look at some of the links and information that is available to everyone with a account, and then we dive in to make our first edit to an existing page. We run into's spam protection, so we also walk through getting ourselves on the no spam list for the site. After we complete our edit, we then see how to add our own new handbook page, by creating documentation for a contributed module, which doesn't have a page yet. We finish up by creating an issue in the module's issue queue, to get a link to our new page added to the module's project page. You'll see us use the issue queue in this video. For more detailed information about that, see our Getting Started in the Issue Queue video.
In this lesson, we take a tour of the * websites, as there is a lot more than just the main site. After our tour, we'll walk through getting an account, and see how that gives us access to all of the web properties. We'll play with our Dashboard, and join a group on, to become more active in the community — the best way to learn and get help. You'll see us use the issue queue in this video. For more detailed information about that, see our Getting Started in the Issue Queue video.
This video looks at the basics of working with MySQL from the command line. We get into the mysql environment and look at databases, tables and fields. We cover creating and deleting databases, creating a user, and querying within a particular database.
Note: In some places the command line prompt is cut-off. The YouTube version of this video doesn't have the cut-off problem. We are working on getting this fixed, but in the meantime, check out the YouTube version instead.
Command Line Basics 13: Using MySQL from Command Line (
This video shows you how to create your own custom shortcuts for various commands. We'll look at some common aliases and see how to add them to our command line environment. This is super handy for commands that you type in all the time and don't want to go through the tedium of typing the whole thing out every time. For example, we show how to automatically go to a particular directory with just one word (e.g. type "clients" and go to the /Users/add1sun/lullabot/clients directory immediately).
So, we now have all of our CSS and HTML in our sub-theme. In this lesson, we've moved over the remaining files that our theme will need, like the images folder, and our node template files. The last step to finish this theme up, is to modify our CSS to take advantage of the responsive framework we already have in place. To do that we'll:
- Review the theme files
- Look at our default CSS file
- See the responsive changes
We're in the home stretch with our theme, so let's make our CSS responsive and wrap things up.
You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
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You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
In this lesson we have fast-forwarded some by completing the conversion of our old page.tpl.php into the new Omage theme. We'll take a look at the work we've done to get to this point, and then deal with what looks like could be a tricky HTML wrapper problem by creating a new zone for our theme, and configuring it to meet our needs. So, we'll:
- Review templates and variables
- Add a new zone to our theme
- Configure our regions with the new zone
This is where we can really see how to blend the usefulness of code and configuration in Omega, to accomplish our task in a very simple way.
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You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
We have a custom template file that has the HTML that we want, but not all of variables are coming through yet, and instead we are getting "Undefined variable" errors. In this lesson we're going to take care of that, as well as making sure our custom variables from the original 960 Robots get moved over as well. Omega has its own best practices around adding preprocess and process functions to a sub-theme, so we'll walk through what Omega expects, and how to use the files and examples that Omega is providing for us. So we're going to:
- Look at the Omega best practices
- Create a process include file
- Add our region variables
- Add our custom variable from 960 Robots
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You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
For this lesson we get to finally start to convert our 90 Robots theme into our Omega sub-theme. We're going to take a look at what we have the original 960 Robots files, and start to move that into our 960 Robots Omega theme. To start things off we will:
- Review theme files
- Move main.css into the global.css file
- Begin converting the page.tpl.php
- Create a custom region template
Here is where the rubber meets the road for making our sub-theme look the way we want it to, so let's dive in.
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You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from