Now we have all the code in place for both our custom module and our style plugin. It's time to put it all together into our pane template file.
In this lesson...
- Connect values from settings form to template file
- Utilize values from pane object
- Utilize values from submitted settings form
All the code for the module and plugin is contained in the Resources section of this lesson. It's now your turn to create your own CTools Style Plugin!
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The code for this plugin and module is located in sites/all/modules/demo_panestyles. See Companion Files to download the Files export, which also contains a demo site for Lessons 8-19 of Building Websites in Drupal 7 with Panels. Log in at /user with username "admin" and password "admin."
Tokens are simple strings of text that serve as placeholders for a dynamic value. This is such a common task for modules that, rather than have every module developer reinvent the wheel, Drupal's token API allows for this kind of placeholder replacement using a unified syntax and a set of hooks and functions, which we'll cover throughout the series.
This video gives an overview of the six lessons in this series, from background to a sample installation of modules we’ll need, implementing tokens using hooks, and looking at the relationships between core and token modules.
After watching this series, you should have a firm grasp on the Drupal token API and be able to use it in your own custom modules in order to provide your users with static placeholder tokens that can be replaced with a dynamically calculated value.
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There just a couple of components that make up the token system in Drupal 7, which is nice because it means fewer new things we have to learn. But, it's important to understand what those components are and some of the fundamentals of how tokens work in order to make the most of Drupal's Token API. In this lesson we'll take a look the use case for tokens, talk about token types, and the concept of global tokens vs. those that require some additional context in order to have their dynamic values calculated.
What are tokens?
Tokens are specially formatted chunks of text that serve as placeholders for a dynamically generated value. Here's a really simple example: You want to display a welcome message to user's of your site, and you want it to be personalized so how about you add their name and instead of just saying "Welcome", you can say "Welcome, Joe". In order to avoid having to hard-code a welcome string for every single user of the site it would be nice to dynamically generate the string. So you use a one like the following, "Welcome, [current-user:name]
The [current-user:name]
here is what Drupal refers to as a token. A string of static text that will be located and replaced with a dynamic value. This token is made up of a few parts, inside of the mandatory square brackets that signify that this is a token. The first part current-user:
in this case is the token type.
Token types are used to group like things together into a namespace. User's for example have name, mail, and last-login properties. Nodes have title, nid, and author properties. Token type also plays an important role in determining what tokens are available in what context. User tokens for example might be available when sending an email to a specific user but node type tokens might be irrelevant in this use case. We need to be able to tell end user's what types of tokens can be used in what context so that they don't use a node token (which has no value) in a user context.
The second part, after the colon (:
) is the token itself. This signifies what value will be substituted into the string containing the token. :name
in this case indicates we want the current user's username. This also brings up another important point. Global vs. contextual tokens. Some tokens like this one [system:date]
can be calculated without any additional information. Simply call the PHP date function and you've got a value. This token [current-user:name]
, on the other hand, requires knowledge about the currently logged-in user in order to be able to determine that user's name. This token requires additional context in order to be useful.
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Before we can get started creating our own tokens we'll need a basic Drupal site setup and module to start from. This lesson will walk through the prerequisites for the rest of the series including having Drupal installed, downloading and installing the databasics module, creation of some dummy content, and a quick tour of what the module does.
In order to follow along in this series you'll want to have a copy of Drupal 7 installed. If you need a refresher on installing Drupal check out this series on getting up and running with Drupal 7.
Once you've got Drupal 7 installed you'll want to download and install a copy of the databasics module that was created as part of the Drupal 7 module development series. We'll use this as a starting point for adding custom tokens so that we have some new data to play with. You can grab a copy of the files attached to this page.
Finally, we'll create some dummy content on our site and walk through what the databasics module does and talk about the problem we're trying to solve.
The databasics module has a string of text that's displayed at the bottom of each node that displays some dynamic information. We would like this text to be configurable by an administrator, so we'll add some new tokens and then update both the form where text is entered and the code that displays the text to allow for use of the newly created tokens.
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The first of two steps required to add new tokens to Drupal 7 is implementing hook_token_info() in order to give Drupal a list of the placeholders your module provides. Placeholders can be grouped together by creating a new token type and placing new tokens under that grouping or by adding new tokens to an existing token type provided by another module like the node module. Token types can be defined as global meaning their value can be calculated without any additional context, or as 'needs-data' tokens that require additional information about the context in which they are being used in order to calculate their value. For example, a [node:title]
token needs to know which node is being referenced, whereas a [system:date]
token doesn't need any additional reference to calculate the current date. In this lesson we will be adding the following token types:
- For tokens that can be calculated without any additional context.[databasics-page]
- For tokens that require additional context in order to be rendered. In this case, they need to know which page is currently being viewed and are thus only useful in the context of viewing a page.
And these tokens:
- Total page views for the entire site.[databasics-page:view-count]
- Number of times the current page has been viewed by the current user..[databasics-page:last-viewed]
- Date the current page was last viewed..
We use hook_token_info()
to provide Drupal with information about available placeholder tokens and their types. Here's an example hook_token_info()
* Implements hook_token_info().
function databasics_token_info() {
$info = array();
$info['types'] = array(
'databasics-totals' => array(
'name' => t('Databasics totals'),
'description' => t('Global databasics tokens.'),
// [databasics-page:]
'databasics-page' => array(
'name' => t('Databasics'),
'description' => t('Tokens for databasics page counts.'),
'needs-data' => array('databasics_record'),
$info['tokens'] = array(
'databasics-totals' => array(
// [databasics-totals:count]
'count' => array(
'name' => t('Total page views'),
'description' => t('Total page views for entire site.'),
// Page specific tokens.
'databasics-page' => array(
// Add a token for the view count.
// [databasics-page:view-count]
'view-count' => array(
'name' => t('View count'),
'description' => t('Number of times the page has been viewed by the current user.'),
// [databasics-page:last-viewed]
'last-viewed' => array(
'name' => t('Last viewed'),
'description' => t('Date the page was last viewed.'),
// [node:view-count], [node:view-count:last-viewed]
$info['tokens']['node'] = array(
'view-count' => array(
'name' => t('View count'),
'description' => t('Number of times the current node has been viewed by the current user.'),
'type' => 'databasics-page',
return $info;
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Note: In the video, around 9:30, we added at the :uid
argument to the query, but did not add the corresponding portion to the WHERE clause of the query. The final query should look like the one in the code sample below.
Now that we've got placeholder tokens that we can enter into a string of text we need to provide the actual values that should be used to replace those placeholders. In this lesson we'll implement hook_tokens() in order to provide the Drupal Token API with the values that correspond to the placeholders our module provides.
Implementations of hook_tokens()
are called once for every token type that's in scope for the current string that's being processed. So, one for all user tokens, once for all node tokens, and once for all global tokens. Each time the hook is passed an array which contains all the tokens of that specific type that where found in the string being processed as well as any additional contextual information such as the current $user
or $node
is expected to return an array of values for each of the tokens in question that your module is responsible for. In our case, since we added the [databasics-page:*]
and [databasics-totals:*]
tokens we're responsible for calculating and returning their value whenever they are requested.
We'll also look at using the token_find_with_prefix() function which will allow us to detect and provide values for any chained tokens. Like for example [node:view-count:last-viewed]
* Implements hook_tokens().
function databasics_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
$replacements = array();
if ($type == 'databasics-totals') {
foreach($tokens as $name => $original) {
switch($name) {
case 'count':
$count = db_query('SELECT SUM(view_count) FROM {databasics}')->fetchField();
$replacements[$original] = $count;
if ($type == 'databasics-page' && !empty($data['databasics_record'])) {
$record = $data['databasics_record'];
foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
switch ($name) {
case 'view-count':
$replacements[$original] = $record->view_count;
case 'last-viewed':
$replacements[$original] = $record->last_viewed;
if ($type == 'node' && isset($tokens['view-count']) && !empty($data['node'])) {
$node = $data['node'];
global $user;
$count = db_query('SELECT SUM(view_count) FROM {databasics} WHERE nid = :nid AND uid = :uid', array(':nid' => $node->nid, ':uid' => $user->uid))->fetchField();
$replacements[$tokens['view-count']] = $count;
// [node:view-count:last-viewed]
if ($count_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'view-count')) {
$record = databasics_get_record($node->nid, $user->uid);
$replacements += token_generate('databasics-page', $count_tokens, array('databasics_record' => $record), $options);
return $replacements;
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With a list of placeholders and a way to retrieve the values for those placeholders we can now bring it all together and use the token_replace() function to locate placeholders in a string of text and replace them with their dynamically generated counterparts. We'll use token_replace()
to process the $message
variable displayed on nodes by the databasics module so that we can use our new tokens. Then we'll look at passing contextual data like the current $node
to the token_replace()
function so the code that does the actual value calculation can have all the information it needs to do so.
The token_replace()
function will take a string of text like the following: "Welcome, [current-user:name]", and perform the replacement of the token with it's value resulting in something like "Welcome, Joe".
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The Token API built into Drupal 7 core provides the ability to add placeholder tokens and replace them with dynamic values. But it's missing some critical features. A UI for allowing end users to browse the list of available tokens for example. And core only provides some very basic tokens, missing support for things like field values. In this lesson we'll look at additional functionality provided by the token module from contrib and how we can make use if it to provide both a UI for browsing available tokens as well as better validation of form elements with tokens in them.
First we'll download and install the token module from contrib and look at some of the features it provides us with without having to write any code.
Then, we'll look at using theme_token_tree_link()
to provide our end users with a user interface for browsing the tokens available in a given context. theme_token_tree_link()
also allows us to specify the token types that should be displayed so we can limit the list to just those that are relevant.
Finally, we'll look at using the token_element_validate()
function as an extra element validator on our Form API element where we allow users to enter strings of text that contain tokens. This validator will provide valuation of the tokens entered into the form element, for example: if the valid token types are 'node' which means they can only use 'node' tokens in that field. This makes sure that the tokens you enter into a field will work in that context.
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Drupal’s built-in Search module offers powerful, flexible searching features and intelligent ranking of results. Behind the scenes, it’s silently building an index of all the words used in the site’s content. In this lesson we'll:
- Review the Search module settings
- Explain the importance of cron
- Discuss searching with Views
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We’re almost done! The only problem with our view now is that clicking the titles in the view links to instead of to our own website. Fortunately, Views provides a handy trick for just this sort of situation; we can “rewrite” the output of the Title field to create a link back to its referring node instead. In this lesson, we'll:
- Exclude a field from display
- Rewrite the output of a field
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To kick off this series, we're going to take a look at the needs for our project. Our client is the Aurora Book Club, and they need a way to track events along with who is attending the events. In this lesson, we'll discuss the requirements, and how we'll implement them. We'll also be taking a tour of the finished site so we can see where we're headed. At the end of this lesson you should understand what the target site is that we will be building.
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To get things started we need to create a new, basic content type just for events. We just need the event name and description along with an easy way to add the event location. In this lesson, we'll create the content type and set up our permissions.
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The main building block for the site is our new Event content type. The information that we need it to provide us with is “where” and “when.” We have taken care of the “where” part in our initial setup, and the Date module helps us answer the “when” question, in an incredibly flexible manner. Our main interest in the Date module is the ability to add a field to our Event content type to indicate date and time. However, looking at the Date module more closely, there are a few extra pieces worth noting. In this lesson we'll get a good overview of what the Date module provides by looking at Submodules, Field Types, Form Elements, and Field Settings.
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Now that we have our basic Event content type set up, we'll enhance it by adding a date field, so that members may schedule meetings. In this lesson, we'll add and configure our new date field, and then create a new event to test it all out.
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Now that we’ve created our Event content type and started adding content to the site, we need to tackle the Upcoming Events list requirement. This will allow members to quickly see the meetings happening in the coming days or weeks. To achieve this, we will use the Views module to create a block for the sidebar. Our view will show published events where the event’s time field is in the future, and we'll sort it chronologically so the next event is at the top of the list. We'll get to learn more about the Date Views filter to accomplish our task.
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Although a simple list of upcoming events is very useful, our site has additional requirements for the display of the event data. As is extremely common for event management websites, this site needs an interactive calendar for browsing through past and future events. We need a classic monthly calendar view, along with a day and week views so people can see the calendar in the format they are used to seeing. We also want people to be able to download the calendar and use it in other calendar applications if they'd like. We're going to implement this feature using the Calendar module in conjunction with Views. In this lesson we'll get an overview of how the Calendar module can help us by taking a look at the Calendar View Type, along with the handy built-in iCal Integration.
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We have our Upcoming Events block, but now we need to build out our full calendar. Although this is potentially a daunting task, involving many tables and many variations for the display (week, month, etc.), the Calendar module conveniently comes with a default view that handles most of the difficult bits for us. In this lesson we'll clone the Calendar default view to give us a good starting place, and alter the view to suit our needs.
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The Flag module is an incredibly flexible module that allows you to create relationships between users and/or content on your site. After you create a flag, an item can be marked a few different ways, and we can use that information in our views. In this lesson we'll get an overview of Flag by looking at the various flag settings and seeing how flag works in action.
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We're almost done with our site, but we still need to have some way for people to indicate if they are coming to an event. In this lesson we'll enable and configure an Attendance flag, adding it to our Event content type. Once we have it all set up we will flag an event to see how it works in action.
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We now have events and people can mark if they are going or not, and the final piece to wrap this project up is to get a list of those attendees for an event. We're going to use Views again to handle this for us. In this lesson we're going to create a new View for attendees, and using relationships and contextual filters, we'll make sure it only lists the attendees for a specific event. With that in place, we'll add the view as a tab to the Event nodes so you can quickly and easily see who is attending that event as you navigate through the content.