Drupal core uses object-oriented programming (OOP). This method of programming introduces new coding standards to the project. In this tutorial we'll cover the Drupal coding standards that relate to object-oriented PHP code.
By the end of this tutorial you should know how to implement the Drupal coding standards related to OOP, and where to find more information when you've got questions about the standards.
Before you dive into using coding standards it makes sense to understand exactly what they are and why they’re important, generally and specifically in the Drupal community. In this tutorial we will look at:
- What coding standards are
- Why following coding standards is a good idea
- Where coding standards come from
By the end of this tutorial you'll have a better understanding of what coding standards are, and why you should be adhering to them when you write code.
Every Composer project is made up of a few standard files and directories. This tutorial provides an overview of the anatomy of a Composer project, and the essential files and directories used by Composer, including:
- What are composer.json and composer.lock files?
- What is in a composer.json file?
- What is the /vendor directory?
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to recognize the standard files and directories in a Composer project and know what they are each used for.
This tutorial demonstrates the value of using Composer. This demonstration will employ the most basic use case of using Composer to create a new, non-Drupal application that writes a message to the system log. It will encompass the fundamental concepts of Composer installation, requiring (installing) a new dependency, autoloading it, and implementing it.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Install Composer
- Use Composer to start a new project
- Use Composer to require a 3rd party dependency
- Use the required code in an example application
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain the value of Composer, and have Composer installed and working on your local machine.
This tutorial provides an overview of the concept of an "artifact" and provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a Composer-managed Drupal application to a hosting environment.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define what an "artifact" is
- Look at how to use Composer and a build process to create and deploy an artifact
- Talk about the benefits of this approach
By the end of this tutorial you should have a general understanding of the steps required in order to deploy a Composer-managed project into production.
You will inevitably encounter Composer issues that require troubleshooting. This tutorial aims to provide some general troubleshooting advice for common Composer issues.
In this tutorial we'll look at:
- Common issues you'll encounter when using Composer
- Solutions to these common issues
By the end of this tutorial you should have some ideas of how to solve common issues that you might encounter when using Composer to manager your application's dependencies.
Composer packages use semantic versioning to allow you to differentiate among different releases of a project. Knowing how this works, and how to specify a version constraint when requiring a Composer package are an important part of using Composer.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Get an overview of semantic versioning
- Look at how Composer version constraints work and related best practices
- Learn how to define Composer package requirements such that you can quickly update all of your application's dependencies without breaking existing functionality
By the end of this tutorial, you should understand how semantic versioning relates to Composer, and how to specify version constraints for packages in your Composer project.
What Is Composer?
FreeComposer is the preferred dependency management solution for PHP. List your project's dependencies in a composer.json file and, after issuing a few commands in the CLI, Composer will automatically download your project's dependencies and set up autoloading for you. Composer is analogous to NPM in the Node.js world, or Bundler in the Ruby world.
Drupal core uses Composer to manage non-Drupal dependencies like Guzzle and PHPUnit. An increasing number of contributed modules also use Composer to integrate third party PHP libraries into Drupal.
This series provides guidance for Drupal developers and site builders who would like to learn to use Composer to build and maintain a Drupal application.
It covers high-level concepts about Composer and walks you step-by-step through creating a new application, downloading PHP libraries, and implementing them using Composer!
It also covers Drupal-specific Composer configuration and provides guidance for accomplishing common Drupal tasks like updating core and installing a new module.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Familiarize ourselves with the general concepts of dependency management
- Learn about Composer and the role it plays in a PHP/Drupal project
- Learn about some advantages and disadvantages of using Composer
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to explain what Composer is, what it's used for, and make the case for using it in your own projects.
There's been a lot written about API design, it's probably not surprising there are several books written about the subject. It also seems like nearly every cloud-based service provides an API to allow access to your data. In this tutorial, we'll attempt to condense this information and answer the following questions:
- Are there different types of API paradigms?
- What kinds of considerations do we need to make when building an API for our decoupled site?
- And, what's this REST thing everyone is talking about?
Let's dig into those questions one at a time.
Decoupling Explained
FreeIf you're interested in decoupling Drupal, there's a good chance you've heard at least some of the buzz in the Drupalverse about "headless" or decoupled Drupal. Or perhaps you watched Dries' keynote from DrupalCon Barcelona or read Dries' blog post about the future of decoupled Drupal. Whatever the case may be, this tutorial and the ones that follow will walk you through building a simple decoupled blog. In Dries' terminology the demo site we'll be building is "fully decoupled." While it would be trivial to adopt similar techniques to build a progressively decoupled site, let's dig a bit deeper into what it means to build a decoupled Drupal site.
Andrew Berry, from Lullabot, has written a great article asking Should you Decouple? Like most architectural decisions there are trade-offs to consider with a decoupled approach. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of a decoupled approach. Is it the right choice for your project?
At this point, whether we've decided to use a third-party pre-rendering service or we've written our own isomorphic JavaScript application to serve as the front-end of our website, our hosting requirements have definitely gotten more complex. Let's take a look at the continuum of decoupled site architectures and start to come up with a list of things to keep in mind when considering their hosting requirements.
Today's Drupal developer needs more than just a text editor and FTP. Best practice Drupal development involves a suite of tools, processes, and more than one server environment.
This tutorial is directed toward an audience that is not familiar with best practices in Drupal Development and methods involving version control with Git, IDEs, local development environments, and deployment environments (i.e. stage, live). Here we're providing a high-level overview of these topics with links to dive deeper if you need more information.
In this tutorial, we'll cover:
- Introduce Version Control Systems such as Git
- Discuss how Git can be used to deploy to remote web servers
- Review programming-centric text editors and Integrated Development Environments
- Identify the need for a local development environment.
- Explain shared deployment environments including production and stage.
Goes through how to implement the AHAH framework in Drupal 6 in order to provide more dynamic interactions on a Drupal form.
See how the new JavaScript APIs and ajax framework in Drupal 7 allows you to implement dynamic behaviors without having to register a menu callback in the menu system or to write any jQuery code.
Learn how to integrate jQuery scripts into Drupal, and how to leverage the JavaScript capabilities of the Drupal API in both 6.x & 7.x
Jeff Robbins and Nate Haug introduce the jQuery and Drupal integrations that we'll be building in this series, based on the foundations of theming, module development, and jQuery.
- How to add jQuery to a theme
- How to utilize Drupal's drag and drop behavior to reorder elements on a page within any form that has orderable items
- Drupal's direct integration with jQuery through the Forms API in Drupal 6 and Drupal 7
- Building a highly optimized AJAX request to Drupal that will return a JSON result
- The JavaScript state system in Drupal 7
Note: The examples in the video span across Drupal 6 and Drupal 7, and jQuery code that will work either in jQuery version 1.2.6 or 1.4.
jQuery Overview
FreeProvides a high-level overview of jQuery to people who are brand new to this JavaScript library.
This lesson shows the steps and code to add on the Drupal side in order to load JavaScript scripts to you site. One thing to note is that the HTML5 placeholder attribute makes this plugin invalid markup.
There is a minor change between Drupal 6 and Drupal 7, where you should use function($)
to wrap your code. For Drupal 7 you can use:
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#search input.form-text').autofill({
value: Drupal.t('Search...'),
Goes over the Macro Maker demonstration module in order to show what functionality we will be building over the next couple of chapters.
Shows how to pass variables from the PHP and Drupal side over to the front-end JavaScript scripts that are running so that you can use the Drupal interface to create customized settings that will appear in your jQuery scripts.