Overview of the administrative parts of a view.
Drupal's Entity system provides several hooks that allow custom code to interact with various parts of the entity life cycle.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Examine the available hooks
- Learn how to make use of them to act on several different types of operations on individual entities
By the end if this tutorial you should have a better understanding of the hooks available to developers who want to respond to entity lifecycle operations and how to use them to customize the way specific entity types work.
On occasion you may need to modify the behavior of entity types defined by another module. Thankfully Drupal includes several alter hooks that can be used to override the behavior of another entity.
In this tutorial we will:
- Walk through the common Entity API hooks
- Look at example implementations of each
- And discuss the use cases for each
By the end of this tutorial you will have a better understanding of how to override the default behavior of an entity type provided by Drupal core (or another contributed module) within your custom code.
The Typed Data API in Drupal helps add additional functionality to PHP's built-in data types that make working with data in Drupal much more predictable. It allows code to make intelligent guesses about the type of data that a field on an entity contains. For example differentiating between a string of text, and a string of text that represents a URL.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the 3 main types of typed data in Drupal: primitives, complex data, and lists.
- See how different data types and definitions are defined and show how to define your own data type.
- Look at the interfaces provided by each data type to see some of the benefits to adding this abstraction layer.
By the end of this tutorial you should have a better understanding of what the Typed Data API is, where you'll most likely encounter it, and how to use it in your code.
Entity CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations are handled via the EntityTypeManager
In this tutorial we'll:
- Learn how to use the
service to perform basic CRUD operations with examples you can copy/paste - Access both property and field values of an entity
- Update entities by setting new field values and then saving the object
By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to understand Entity CRUD operations and be well on your way to becoming comfortable with accessing and manipulating entity values in code.
Field formatters are responsible for taking the data stored by a field and transforming it into what a visitor sees. We can define new field formatters to output data for new field types or to provide alternative formatting options for existing field types. Creating a field formatter plugin is a common task for Drupal developers.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Define a new background color field formatter that uses the string stored by our field_example_rgb field type as the background color of the output.
- Make it possible for site builders to toggle on or off a feature that automatically adjusts the foreground text color of the output.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define a new custom field formatter plugin with settings that a site administrator can configure.
Field API Overview
FreeIf you've ever created or edited a piece of content on a Drupal site you have already interacted with the Field API. The Field module (along with its user interface counterpart) is responsible for providing the forms and data components used to build up the content model that make up a Drupal site. Understanding how Drupal fields work and how they're constructed via the Field API is an important part of understanding how Drupal works.
In this tutorial, we're going to look at the main components that make up the Field API at a high level. We'll see how the Field UI module exposes the field types included in core. We'll also look at the three main pieces that compose fields: types, widgets and formatters.
Drupal's Field API specifies the implementation details for field types, widgets and formatters. It also provides several hooks that allow custom code to alter these implementation details. In this tutorial we'll take a look at these Field API hooks and see how they can be used to change field types, widgets and formatters.
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
- Identify existing Field API hooks for manipulating field behavior
- Understand the proper method for changing the behavior of a field type, widget or formatter
- Know where to find the documentation for these API functions, and how to find their implementations
Of the 3 main components of the field system -- types, widgets and formatters -- only 1 has an impact on the actual display of content for end users: field formatters. Field formatters are responsible for taking the data stored by a field and transforming it into the markup that is sent to the browser when an end user views your site.
In this tutorial we'll:
- Look at the role field formatters play in the Field API
- Identify the main components that make up a field formatter
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to define the role of a field formatter plugin.
Drupal's field system provides us with a flexible system of adding different types of discrete data to content types. This enables us to create rich content models. The Field API allows us to define these distinct field types by creating a new plugin. These plugins specify a FieldType
attribute. In this tutorial, we'll look at these attributes in detail. We'll look at the implementations of field types from Drupal core. Also, we'll see what a new custom field type would look like.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Understand how field type definitions are created and exposed to Drupal
- Identify the various field types provided by Drupal core
- Understand the requirements for providing a specification for a new field type
Once we've explored the various field types provided by Drupal core, the next component of the Field API to explore is field widgets. Field widgets define how the data structure of the field is displayed on an edit form. When content editors interact with your field type they will be doing so via the field widget you provide. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at the field widgets provided by Drupal core, the plugin type required to define our own custom widget and how we can define multiple widget options for a single field type.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Understand where field widgets fit into the overall Field API
- Implement a custom field widget to support a particular field type
Set up a local development environment to practice Drupal theme development exercises in our course, Hands-On Theming Exercises for Drupal.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Install Drupal on your computer, so you can edit files in your theme.
- Generate dummy content, so that you have different kinds of pages to theme.
It's time to create the bare-bones structure for a new theme on your site. You should try to complete this exercise based what you've learned from the tutorial prerequisites listed below. The video at the end of this tutorial will walk you through the implementation of this exercise if you need some help. In this exercise, we'll:
- Create an info file that describes a custom theme to Drupal with the regions listed below (we're going to name ours "reboot").
- Enable, and view, a bare-bones custom theme.
By the end of this exercise, you should feel comfortable starting a theme using several methods.
To add CSS or JavaScript files or libraries to your site, you can attach them as asset libraries in your theme. In this exercise, you'll create 2 asset libraries and attach them globally via your theme's info file. In this tutorial, we'll pull in the CSS and JavaScript from the popular Bootstrap framework so that we can make use of its layout utility classes later on. We'll also add a custom CSS file that contains global styles for our site, like setting the page background color.
If you want to try and complete this on your own first you'll need to:
- Add the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files to your theme.
- Define an asset library using a THEMENAME.libraries.yml file in your theme.
- Tell Drupal to attach your asset library so that the CSS and JavaScript files it represents are included in the page.
Once that's done your site won't look all that different. But if you view the page source, or look closely, you should see that the Bootstrap files are included along with any CSS rules you placed into your custom style sheet.
Note: Since this course is focused on teaching the Drupal aspects of theme development, and not on writing CSS, we're using the Bootstrap CSS. Feel free to use the framework or library of your choice if you don't want to use Bootstrap.
You should try to complete the exercise steps on your own and use the video to help guide you if you get stuck.
At the end of this exercise, you'll find a video walk-through of the solution.
Drupal has a few handy settings you can tweak to make developing themes a little more intuitive and a lot more awesome. In this tutorial, we'll practice manually setting up our environment for theme development by:
- Disabling some caches
- Turning off CSS and JS aggregation
- Turning on the Twig debug service
By the end of this tutorial, you'll have practiced setting up your environment for theme development.
In order to change Drupal's default markup you need to override template files. The page template controls the overall layout of your theme, including the placement of regions. You should practice the exercise following the written instructions below. Use the video walk-through to help if you get stuck.
In this exercise, we'll:
- Override the currently used page.html.twig template file.
- Modify the content of the file to include the regions defined in the theme's .info.yml file.
- Wrap the regions in the page template file with HTML markup using CSS classes from Bootstrap to achieve the example layout.
By the end of this tutorial, you'll gain practice creating a custom layout in a page template file.
The available dynamic tokens or variables vary from template to template. Each page is built from a set of templates.
In this exercise, we'll:
- Override and name the node template file so that it will only affect Article nodes on our Drupal site.
- Inspect the available variables.
- Customize the markup.
- Use the Twig filter
We recommend that you try to work through the exercise yourself, and refer to the video if you need help.