TopicHooks allow modules to alter and extend the behavior of Drupal core, or another module. As a Drupal developer, understanding how to implement and invoke hooks is essential.
TopicA block is a reusable widget that is placed inside regions (layout containers) of your theme. Blocks can be used by site administrators on the Block layout admin page or provided by a module using the Plugin API.
In this exercise you will demonstrate that you understand the CSS patterns used for smaller elements of Drupal such as fields, and can create selectors which override them appropriately. You will also override template files to create your own markup and suggest new template files.
In this exercise you will demonstrate your ability to attach JavaScript to themes, and use Drupal behaviors to enhance the functionality of a website.
In this exercise you will demonstrate that you understand the concept of responsive CSS and the methods which can be used to implement it in a Drupal theme.
Create a custom module and alter the content on a node page using a hook and existing theme functions.
Identify and use preprocessors by creating a custom breadcrumb trail on a page, and reduce and refactor code in custom modules.
Create a new module for movie imports, which will display a form when the user navigates to a page.
Make SQL queries in Drupal, make HTTP requests to external websites, and use this data to validate a form.
Use a form submit hook to pass information down the form API and create a node programmatically.
Create an image file programmatically and attach a file to a node.
Check and create taxonomy terms programmatically.
Create an install hook to pre-define a list of films to import.
Create a custom Drush command, which makes use of re-usable functions within our Movie Import module.
Create an administration form to save information about how the movie importer works by using variables.
Create a permissions hook to secure access to pages within Drupal.
Learn how to use Features to manage configuration changes and understand the configuration change workflow in a team environment.
Manage text formats and filters and add a WYSIWYG editor.
Configure basic settings which affect performance, and perform basic analysis to understand what might be affecting website performance.
Use hooks to update the database tables and alter form elements.