Shows how to set up private files in Drupal 7 and custom upload path as well as how to set up an image field.
In this lesson we will be covering how take all the settings we have made for our 960 robots subtheme and export it into code. We will cover multiple ways of doing this and why this is a good practice to get into when working with different environements and/or other team members. We also cover adding features to the .info file from our exisiting theme into our new Omega sub-theme. So basically, this lesson will cover
- Exporting your theme
- Why export?
- 3 Different methods of export
- More theme conversion
Once the lesson is complete you will become an exporting guru and impress your friends at just about any gathering with your Omega Exporting amesomeness.
Additional resources
You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
We have a custom template file that has the HTML that we want, but not all of variables are coming through yet, and instead we are getting "Undefined variable" errors. In this lesson we're going to take care of that, as well as making sure our custom variables from the original 960 Robots get moved over as well. Omega has its own best practices around adding preprocess and process functions to a sub-theme, so we'll walk through what Omega expects, and how to use the files and examples that Omega is providing for us. So we're going to:
- Look at the Omega best practices
- Create a process include file
- Add our region variables
- Add our custom variable from 960 Robots
Additional resources
You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
One thing that affects markup in Views is the format that is using for the display. In this tutorial we'll take a look, step-by-step, at the Unformatted list format in Views. We'll examine its default markup, how to add custom CSS classes—and to which elements—and what it looks like to remove all of Views' default markup.
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Continuing our look at how Views' formats affect your markup, in this tutorial we'll take a look, step-by-step, at the HTML list format in Views. We'll examine its default markup and how to add custom CSS classes to various elements.
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As we continue to look at how Views formats affect markup, we'll now examine the Table format in Views. We'll take a look at its default markup, how to add custom CSS classes to various elements and explore other settings unique to this format.
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Converting an exisiting theme to Omega takes time and some planning, but Omega gives us plenty of options of moving things around the page all without touching a piece of code. When working with a grid layout we use Omega to set all of our content to span the proper columns all while moving our content from zone to zone so it is placed properly on the page. We will cover:
- Moving content from zone to zone
- Choosing proper zone column widths
- Splitting column amounts to create right and left columns
Once all of this is complete we are just a few steps away from getting into some CSS and really making our theme come together as an Omega sub-theme.
Additional notes:
If you want to touch code, you can edit the .info file as such (for the first part, moving branding zone):
settings[alpha_region_branding_zone] = 'header'
settings[alpha_region_branding_weight] = '3'
settings[alpha_region_header_first_weight] = '1'
settings[alpha_region_header_second_weight] = '2'
In this chapter, we talk all about changing the look and feel of your site with themes. We start by reviewing the settings that come with our default core theme, Bartik. Then we go to to look at available contributed themes, how to look for themes, and discuss what a base theme is. We'll finish up by actually installing a new contributed theme, Zero Point, and making some configuration changes.
Building one Drupal site is a fair amount of work in and of itself. But what about working with multiple Drupal sites? Sometimes you have a few sites that make sense together, either from a maintenance perspective, or due to an overlap in content or users. There are a number of different ways to approach this in Drupal, and which path you follow varies considerably depending on the exact use case you need to fulfill. In this lesson we'll get a good look at the problem multiple sites can pose, and list out some common use cases. Then we'll take a look at three different broad categories of solutions, with some specific architectural approaches. The rest of this series will walk through managing multiple sites using Drupal core's built-in multisite system.
If you are interested in working with the Domain Access project instead of core multisite, you should look at the Introduction to Domain Access series.
For this lesson we get to finally start to convert our 90 Robots theme into our Omega sub-theme. We're going to take a look at what we have the original 960 Robots files, and start to move that into our 960 Robots Omega theme. To start things off we will:
- Review theme files
- Move main.css into the global.css file
- Begin converting the page.tpl.php
- Create a custom region template
Here is where the rubber meets the road for making our sub-theme look the way we want it to, so let's dive in.
Additional resources
You can download the final Ninesixty Robots Omega theme as a regular project from
Walks through the process of first adding the search block to the node template file, and then explains some of the best practices for incorporating JavaScript scripts within your theme. Walks through how to protect the dollar-sign variable, and how to use the Drupal behaviors instead of the document ready so that your JavaScript will fire not only on page loads, but also if there is any dynamic material being loaded on the page through asynchronous page loads. We'll show you how to select the jQuery selector to target the desired element, and how to conform to Drupal's best-practice coding standards when it comes to integrating JavaScript and jQuery into your theme. You can learn more about jQuery itself with the Introduction to jQuery Series.
To use Query in no conflict mode, because was not defined.
Add this line on the top: jQuery.noConflict(); more info here:
To improve how the search box looks, you need to modify the following:
currently : search-theme-form
modify to: search-block-form
and then in the property in line 321 to look like this:
/* Header quick search */
#header form#search-block-form {
top: -165px;
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Shows how to create a theme template suggestion for a specific node type. In this chapter, we create a dynamic template for the article node type by copying the node.tpl.php into a node--article.tpl.php where the 'article' is the machine-readable name for the article content type. We add some specific styling to the node author submission information as well as the date. We also discuss how Drupal looks for the most specific template suggestion (i.e. the node id), then moves to more and more generalized template files like the content type, and then the node.tpl.php as the most general. The documentation page that we look at can be found at
Additional notes:
The field_tags
variable relates to the corresponding tags field on the article content type. For every field you have on your node the $content
variable will contain the rendered content of that node in a key that is the name of the field. So in this case $content['field_tags']
contains all of the tags applied to the node.
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This chapter goes through the minimum steps for registering a theme within Drupal by creating a .info file. It also shows the syntax for a theme to be able to add custom CSS to your site as we start to implement our example design.
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Walks through the process of copying the default node.tpl.php file from the core node module into the theme, and then customizing the output specific to individual in order to match the design. See how to add specific variables, when to use conditional if statements and the best way to debug and iterate through this process.
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In this chapter, we add some sidebar and footer regions to the page via the .info files, and printing those new regions out in our page template file, adding some blocks to help with testing. We also talk about Devel and Krumo, and how we can use those to find out everything that is available in out page array, using the dsm() function. While inspecting out page array, we point out the differences between elements and properties within renderable arrays.
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This video walks through the process of replacing static content in the page.tpl.php file with dynamic variables. Joe talks about the html.tpl.php file as well as pointing some of the important variables that should be included within the theme.
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This video goes through some of the strategies for translating a design into a Drupal theme. We talk about the two approaches of adding the HTML to an existing Drupal theme template vs. inserting dynamic variables into the HTML provided by our designer. Throughout this video, we're going to be assuming that our designer has delivered the full HTML, CSS and JavaScript to us, and we'll be adding in the dynamic variables. In this process we start to look at the design and start to break it up into it's component Drupal parts and start to strategize for how to build out the site and implement the design..
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In this lesson we cover downloading and installing the WYSIWYG module. We show the relationship between the WYSIWYG editor and Drupal Text Formats. We go over the basic settings of the WYSIWYG module, how to download and install an editor, and configurations necessary in Text Formats to make things work properly.
Use this handbook page on to determine which version of TinyMCE is supported with CKEditor: Editors.
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Goes through the process of creating a view of something other than content. In this case it's a view of users, and this chapter talks about other types of views of entities that are possible from different base tables.
This video series will continue the Job Board example from the Fields for Site Builders series where we will discover ways to display all of the job postings, allow people to find the one they are looking for and easily apply for it.
Standardized documentation is crucial to a project, whether it is just you or an entire team working on it. In this tutorial we're going to look at:
- Standards for
comments - Standards for inline comments
- Why standards for documentation and comments are as important as standards for the rest of your code.
By the end of this tutorial you'll know how to add inline documentation for all the PHP code that you write for Drupal.