Drupal Console provided a command line utility for performing common site administration tasks, code generation scaffolding, and a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop for interacting with your Drupal site. In addition to using the code generation tools for scaffolding new functionality they can also be used as an educational tool to learn about the various parts of different Drupal subsystems.
Drupal Console is no longer actively maintained. Use Drush instead.
Example tasks
- Use Drupal Console to perform common site administration tasks, like rebuilding the cache, importing configuration, or executing Cron
- Use Drupal Console's code generation tools to create a new custom module
- Use the shell command to interact with your Drupal site in a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop
Drupal Console is no longer actively maintained. You should use Drush instead.
Drupalize.Me resources
External resources
Drupal Console GitHub repository (github.com)
- This is the canonical source for the Drupal Console codebase. It contains links to many of the other resources mentioned here.
Drupal Console documentation (drupalconsole.com)
- This is the official source for Drupal Console documentation (available in several languages). This documentation includes installation instructions as well as thorough documentation for each of the commands available in Drupal Console.