Lullabot Module Monday in Videos!

For the last two years Lullabot has been writing up a post about a new contributed module every week, in a series called Module Monday. We have almost 100 modules introduced in simple, concise articles. Here at Drupalize.Me we are going to start creating video versions of these Lullabot Module Monday articles so you can have a visual walkthrough of using these modules, in addition to the written overview that the articles provide. The modules covered in the articles are all handy modules that are focused on specific tasks, many of which are lesser known modules, but still immensely helpful to Drupal site builders.

While these videos are titled Module Monday, from the original article names, we won't necessarily be putting these out on Mondays, as you can see from today's release. We will work through the catalog of articles and we'll be releasing the videos as we can create them. This means we won't necessarily have one every week, and we probably won't be releasing them on Mondays. We should also make it clear that we won't be keeping pace with the articles on We won't be creating a video of the new Module Monday articles the same week that the article is published. Instead, we'll be working away on the backlog to try get ourselves caught up to the current posts throughout the rest of this year.

To kick off our efforts, we have three new videos for you on some of more recent, and very popular articles:

  • Backup and Migrate (FREE) simplifies the task of backing up and restoring your Drupal database or copying your database from one Drupal site to another.
  • Menu Position allows for the creation of rules that will dynamically add the current page into the menu system at the requested spots.
  • Word Link allows you to automatically convert specific words into links.

Please do let us know if there are specific Module Monday articles that you'd like to see recorded as videos. We'll be working on these on an ongoing basis, while we are working on our other new series, coming out soon. The first of those will be an Introduction to Git series, starting in the next two weeks.

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