Drupalize.Me Podcast 51: The Front-end Rapport

In this episode Kyle is joined by a few members of Lullabot's front-end army. Kris Bulman, Thomas Lattimore, Helena Zubkow, Marc Drummond, and Mike Herchel open up and discuss a project they have launched: The Front-End Rapport.

The Front-End Rapport is a weekly newsletter where our Front-end bots participate in gathering and curating the latest front-end news across the inter-webs and wrap it all up in a nice readable package for people to subscribe to. As a reader of this publication I wanted to learn who was involved, why they started it, and what it was all about. So I gathered who I could and got them all together on this podcast to hash out exactly what The Front-end Rapport is.

So take a listen and when your done subscribe to the newsletter.

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