Guide to Drupal 8 at DrupalCon Bogotá

Drupal 8

Are you lucky enough to attend DrupalCon Latin America in Bogotá, Colombia? Excited to learn more about Drupal 8 in particular? If so, put these Drupal 8-related sessions on your radar. If you'll be watching from home, keep an eye on the Drupal Association's YouTube channel for session recordings.

Here's the Drupalize.Me guide to Drupal 8 at DrupalCon Latin America 2015:


Tuesday kicks things off with a keynote by Drupal's founder Dries Buytaert, and then continues with sessions about CMI, contributing to core, building Drupal 8 modules and more. We recommend attending the keynote to get an overview of the current state of Drupal, some thoughts about when we can expect Drupal 8, and insights into the what the future holds.


Wednesday continues the Drupal 8 goodness with sessions about the Rules module, design, multilingual, e-commerce, and migrating to Drupal 8. Wednesday's keynote by Larry Garfield, a long-time Drupal contributor should be thought-provoking. While we don't know for sure what it's about, we expect there will be some talk about the Drupal 8 development cycle and what we can learn from it going forward.

Also on Wednesday, our very own Joe Shindelar will be giving a presentation covering the ins-and-outs of the Drupal 8 plugin system—an important topic for any aspiring Drupal 8 module developer.


Be a part of getting Drupal 8 released! Whether you are a first-time contributor or a seasoned pro, come join the sprints on Thursday and squash those critical issues! Sprints are not only a great way to learn more about Drupal 8, but also a chance to connect, give back, and get involved with the community. Mentors will be available to help you find issues and navigate the system.

Joe and a handful of other Lullabots will be in attendance at the sprints so come by and say "Hi," and help us get Drupal 8 out the door!


Be sure to check out the Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs) to find other Drupal 8-related discussions. These are usually posted on a whiteboard in a common area, but it looks like there is also an online BoF board as well. Time slots usually fill up quickly, so if you have a topic that you'd like to discuss with others in attendance, be sure and get it on the BoF whiteboard.

Connect with the Community

Take advantage of the smaller size of this event to get to know folks you don't know, thought you knew, or want to get to know better. This is a great opportunity to put faces with names and get to know the folks in-person you usually only see online. There are a number of social events planned, but don't forget the trusty "hallway track" as well!

Author's note: Joe Shindelar also contributed to this blog post. Thanks, Joe! Have a great time at DrupalCon!


I saw that Drupal 8 includes some kind of testing framework (I haven't tried it out yet since my existing sites are still in Drupal 7 and likely won't migrate any time soon). How can you write automated testing for a Drupal 7 site, is there a module for this? How much can actually be tested automatically rather than requiring manual testing? How do I write automated tests for a Drupal site?

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