Head Back to School with Our New Student Discount!

Introducing Student Discounts!

Today, we're introducing something new and exciting: student discounts! If you're presently enrolled in a primary, secondary, or post-secondary education program, you're now eligible for a special 50% off your Drupalize.Me membership.

Here's how it works: Simply email [email protected], and attach a valid student photo ID or a recent class document. This document must include your name, recent date, and school name. Then we'll reply with a coupon code for 50% off a Personal Drupalize.Me membership—it's that easy!

Our team believes quality Drupal training should be accessible to everyone. So if you're a student interested in Drupal, sign up for a membership, and start back to school with Drupalize.Me!

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more