Professional Development for Your Drupal Team

Professional development is important in any industry. It's especially important in technology, where the pace of change is rapid.
Fortunately, the Internet is revolutionizing the delivery of professional development with on-demand video training. Providers include big aggregators, like Pluralsight, CBT Nuggets, and, as well as specialized services, like KnpUniversity (PHP/Symfony) and—of course—Drupalize.Me! 
The advantages of such services are numerous. The most obvious advantage is that they're on-demand! Employees can brush up on their skills anytime, anywhere. And it’s efficient—employees can find and learn what they need without wasting time. 
On-demand video training is also less expensive. For example, private on-site Drupal training starts around $2,000 USD/per week. (And this doesn't include travel expenses for instructors, lost productivity for your employees, etc.) 
So in 2011, Drupalize.Me expanded its on-demand video training and launched Group Memberships, specifically for organizations that value cost-effective professional development.
We now support thousands of employees at organizations around the world. Group memberships start at just $999 USD/annually for small teams (2-10 users). Simply visit for more information, and join these leading organizations: 
Drupalize.Me Groups

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Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more