
Drupalize.Me on Your TV

One thing people like to do with online learning is work and watch at the same time. Members have let us know that they want to be able to watch our videos on their TVs while using their computers to work along with the trainer. Luckily Drupalize.Me has several options to make this happen.

Learning to Debug: Stop Thinking and Look

Debugging is a discipline that requires patience, and a fervent attention to detail. In the often times fast paced world of software development, when we're faced with deadlines, and an ever growing list of new features to add, and bugs to resolve, it can be a difficult to slow down and proceed in a meticulous, measured fashion. When it comes to solving difficult problems though, this fastidious approach is exactly what's required to locate, and resolve, a problem's root cause.

Installing and Configuring Dreditor

With DrupalCon Los Angeles underway we thought it might be a good time to introduce (or reintroduce) folks to Dreditor (short for "Drupal editor"). Dreditor is a collection of user scripts, which alter browser behavior on specific pages on the domain. The features of dreditor are mostly helpful in the issue queue and during the patch review process.

We have a video Installing and using Dreditor if you'd like to follow along, but since recording installation of Dreditor is even easier. Let's take a look at the changes, and how we can use this powerful tool to make interacting with the issue queue easier.

Monthly Update

April was a busy month for our team! We published tons of new Drupal content and updated lots of site features. Here's a quick recap:

Release Day: Hands-on with Domain Access

This week we get hands-on with Domain Access as we continue the Introduction to Domain Access for Drupal 7 series. We'll walk through configuring our Apache virtual host (vhost) so all three of our domain names are pointing to the same Drupal site. With that configured properly we can get the Drupal site installed and then install Domain Access. There is a little extra installation step required for Domain Access to do its magic. After we have it up and running we spend some time looking at and understanding the main Domain Access settings, get our other domain names added to the site, and dive into working with content. We're going to learn how to share content across all three domains, as well as be able to restrict some content to only certain domains.

Help Drupal 8 and Win!

We're kicking off a campaign to help the Drupal 8 Accelerate Fund. If you donate $50 or more to the community fund, you have a chance to win a free annual membership and if you donate $100, you can choose a new video for us to create.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more