
Media Explained: A Free Acquia Webinar

Pictures. Podcasts. Videos. If you've ever tried to incorporate rich media files into your web site using only Drupal core, you probably got a shiver down your spine when I said that. Fortunately there is a solution.

Our New Project Management Process

At the end of last year, our team outlined our goals for 2014 and reviewed our internal processes. We devised a new plan for managing our site development, and it has proven quite successful.

Release Day: Navigate the Many Settings of Webform

This week, as we continue our Webform Basics series, I walk through the many settings of the Webform module. I cover email settings, form settings, and global Webform settings. All of which will help make your form behave exactly how you want it!

Catching the Community Train

Getting involved in any community on a professional or personal level can be intimidating at first. How do you add value and contribute to something that already has so much community involvement, innovation, and growth? It’s easy to feel like you're trying to catch a runaway train. I feel like this is especially true for designers who want to get involved or even just learn about what is already happening.


Recent Site Updates

Over the last few weeks, we've made several updates to the site. Most of these updates were backend and infrastructure tweaks, which help us provide the smooth service you've come to expect. But we've made also some notable user-facing improvements. Curious to learn more?

Configuration Management for Developers

In an earlier post, Kyle wrote a great introduction to the new configuration management system in Drupal 8. He demonstrated how end users can leverage this new system to easily migrate site configuration between environment, which helps eliminate the "did you remember to check the boxes in the right order?" problem for site builders everywhere. In this post, I take a look at configuration management from the perspective of a module developer. What do we need to write in our custom code to ensure that our configuration settings are easy to deploy?

Release Day: Managing Media Assets with Drupal

This week we continue our learning series, Working with Media Module in Drupal 7. In these lessons, Addison explains the many considerations of managing media in a content management system, how you can use Drupal and the Media module to manage and display all kinds of media, and how you can utilize images in several different ways. If you've been wondering how to place images using a WYSIWYG editor or how to create a gallery, these are the lessons you've been waiting for.

Getting Started with Forms in Drupal 8

Forms are an essential part of any web application. They are the primary mechanism for collecting input from our users, and without them Drupal wouldn't be very useful. As such, they're also one of the first things people want to learn when they start learning Drupal. Forms are fundamental to creating Drupal modules, whether you're asking someone to leave a review of your video or giving an administrator the option to turn JavaScript aggregation off.

Risk and Drupal 8

Every year Real Story Group (RSG) releases an updated snapshot of the web CMS market. Where will Drupal 8 be placed on the 2015 RSG snapshot?

Managing Your Membership

Today we finally completed the migration to our new billing service! It's been a long road, and I'll leave the gorey details for another post. The short of it is that we moved to Recurly and account management is now easier for our members.

Drupalize.Me Podcast Episode 33

This week we have podcast episode 33. It's all about Global Sprint Days, coming up next weekend, on January 25-26, 2014. We talk about what sprints are, what's happening next weekend, and the why/how of getting involved. Go give it a listen, and then sign up for (or create) a local event!

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more