
Latest Sprint: New Suggestion Box and Guides to Navigate

Our latest sprint, Cheerilee, brings about two new great features dedicated to our subscribers. We want to hear about what you'd like to see, and once we have the videos you're looking for we want to make it easier for you to find them, and walk through them in a logical order.

New Closed-Captioning Feature Enhances Learning Comprehension

We're very excited to announce that we now have closed-captioning enabled on our videos. In addition to the help it provides for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, many learners find that they understand new concepts better if they can read what the instructor is saying, as well as hear it. This is especially true for those for whom English is not their native language. This is something we've been wanting to do for a long time, and our subscribers have asked for it, so we're happy to be able to provide it.

Release Day: Finishing up Dates

This Wednesday we are wrapping up our Dates with Drupal 7 series. We take a look at some more ways of using dates with the Views module, by using Views to create a summary listing and creating a display of our content grouped by date. The last video in this series introduces the Context module and shows you how to use this with Date context to display one of two blocks, depending on the date for a given piece of content. Enjoy!

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dates

We've got a new series out today: Dates with Drupal 7! We may not be able to help you find that special someone, but we can help you navigate the world of dates and time in Drupal. This new series will cover all aspects of working with dates, from basic core configuration, to creating content types using the Date module, and seeing how this all works with Views.

Cool New Features for Series

Our latest feature release is brought to you by the pony Applejack, and it has some great new things that you all have been asking for, as well as fixing a few annoying bugs. The big news is that now you can add a series to your queue, instead of having to add each individual video in your queue and then try to keep them in the right order. As part of implementing that, we also added a few other nice touches too.

Release Day: Site Building with Blocks and Themes

This Wednesday we are continuing our Site Building series with some videos that cover changing how your site looks. We dive in to the world of themes, regions, and blocks, which not only change the look of your site, but let you control some steady bits of content should be and when they should appear. The new videos are:

The Video That Could Change Your Life

Most of the Lullabot team was at DrupalCon Denver this year, and we had a great time. Lullabots are pretty good at hugging, so seeing each other in person is a great eperience. We did notice, however, that not everyone at DrupalCon feels comfortable, or has practiced enough, with their hugs. As a service to the Drupal community, we'd like to help you out with a free video. Trainer extraordinaire Joe Shindelar is not only an expert in Drupal, he's also an expert in hugging.

About us

Drupalize.Me is the best resource for learning Drupal online. We have an extensive library covering multiple versions of Drupal and we are the most accurate and up-to-date Drupal resource. Learn more