Pursuing and growing a career in web development is important to me, and it is currently a set goal, but I need to know what path in web development I want to take in order to do so effectively. Because I am still a beginner on this path, exploring all possible options is an important step in my professional development. This is why I consider learning Drupal to be so important. Osio Labs has provided me with a platform to begin my journey with Drupalize.Me and I look forward to where this path takes me.
What is Drupal and who makes use of it?
Drupal is an open source content management system that is used by all kinds of organizations, including universities, libraries, news and media sites. It’s used by anyone with content to share and who needs to manage that content on an ongoing basis. It’s a tool to create, modify, and maintain websites for any use, like personal, corporate, blogs, e-commerce, social networking sites, and more. Drupal is a pre-existing solution that delivers automated webpages for web developers or anyone else who wants to create a functional website. The primary benefit of a CMS is its simplicity, which gives it an advantage over traditional HTML/CSS. Almost anyone who can create an account on the server has access to it. Another advantage is that a CMS is far more organized than a static website. You can access your admin panel and manage all aspects of your website from any computer. You can also customize your website by introducing add-ons and selecting from a variety of functionalities.
Why is Drupal relevant to my web development education?
Drupal is now widely recognized as a fast-growing web development technology, so learning it is essential for me because I intend to keep up with the growth of web development. Besides, because the job market is highly saturated, broadening my knowledge with Drupal, Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, Scala and a lot more is essential in order to stand out as a candidate who maintains the highest standards.
What are the benefits for my future?
According to this website, Drupal is used by over 200,000 businesses in the United States alone -- this includes computer software, hospitals and healthcare, non-profits, e-commerce, retail, education management, construction, marketing and advertising, and much more. There is no guarantee that learning Drupal will automatically land me my dream job; however, there is a better chance that learning it as an additional skill will play an important role in increasing my chances.
This demonstrates that Drupal is not going away anytime soon, but rather is evolving alongside the rest of the world. Jobs with Drupal knowledge include systems architect, developer, themer, front-end developer, site builder, content editor, UX designer, Drupal marketer, and many more. Personally, I am still relatively new to the world of technology, so my choice may change as I progress, but for the time being, becoming a web developer is a good place to start.
I could have written this article, since it represents me incredibly. Is nice to hear that Drupal is going to be alive for a long long time ! Drupal is more than just a CMS, Drupal is a lifestyle !
Never stop to Drupalize everything !
There is much to learn in order to be an effective web developer no matter what CMS or plain HTML is used. Although a CMS will write the HTML and CSS, being able read and write both is a necessity.
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