A Few Bug Fixes

We hear you and we're fixing up the bugs and suggestions you are submitting. Thank you SO much. Hearing from our members is the best way for us to know what we're doing right, or where we need to improve. We've just released some updates on the site, and we will be doing weekly releases going forward. Every week we'll keep you apprised of the things we're fixing, and the cool new features we'll be adding. We have a big list of fun stuff we want to do, and we're excited to start sharing them with you.
For this week's release we've been mostly focusing on various bugs on the new site. We closed out 28 tickets. The most pressing ones that were in response to things you have pointed out were:

Bitrate/video timeline bug

Our bitrate selector on the video player was overly agressive, and you couldn't click the video player timeline underneath it. All fixed up, so now you can jump to later in the video.

Drupal version and video length bug

Somehow the Drupal version and video length information went missing. We've added that back and you can find it right under the video title again.

Add coming soon videos to your queue

When we launched the site we made it possible for you to add "Coming soon" videos to your queue, but they didn't actually show up! All better now. (Keep in mind that the link will become active when the video is actually published and you are able to watch the video.)

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