Fixing Things Up

Well, last week we launched the new version of our website, and while overall the feedback has been great, we also realize that we had a few mistakes on the site as well. We've been working hard to nip lots of little bugs over the last week, and we've also heard your feedback about watching the videos that belong to a series. I'm happy to say that we've just pushed a release that addresses some of our most pressing feedback.

Series List on Video Pages

This was a big miss for us, and we're glad we've gotten things back into place here. Now, when you are watching a video that is part of a series, you can scroll down and see the list of all of the videos in that series, as well as where you are in the current playlist.


Coming Soon Notices

We also realized that we had a bug on the site that was linking to unpublished videos. We often start out a series, and don't have everything ready to publish at the same time, but we want you to know what will be coming later in the series. We've now fixed this bug that was leading people to click on a video link and just be greeted with an Access Denied message. You can clearly see which videos are "Coming soon" and which ones are actually ready to be watched. Ooops, sorry about the confusion on that one.


We know we have more things to keep working on, and if you notice problems with the site, or have suggestions for improvements, please do let us know by dropping a note on our contact form.

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