Free Hands-On Drupal 8 Lessons

There is a lot of new ground to cover in Drupal 8, especially for developers. For those of you who are already familiar with developing in Drupal 7, these free Drupal 8 Activity Cards will help you with the leap. We love it when we find great resources provided by the community! The cards were created by Tanay Sai and his study group while they bootstrapped themselves on the new code. They’ve done an awesome job covering the main topics you’ll need to know for the switch from Drupal 7 to 8. Each card is a lesson on a new development topic and altogether they cover 21 days of lessons.

These were designed to be used with a study group, but individuals can benefit from them as well. Tanay's group would meet for 20 minutes, 3 days a week, to discuss the activity card of the day, then go off individually to complete the exercise. They would then share their solutions and problems the following day.

They initially shared the cards for free use from a Google doc, but now they’ve made a site to house the lessons and create a space for some community interaction. They even have a list of GitHub repos that share work on, and solutions for, the lessons. There is a ton of great stuff in there, so check it out and let us know how you end up using them!

If you are looking for a more detailed look at some of these topics, you should take a look at our Learn Drupal 8 Guide, which has a variety of courses on Drupal 8.


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