Back when we released our Drupal 8 Theme Guide one of the tutorials I couldn't wait to expand on is our quick tour of some of the JavaScript Libraries in Drupal.
While we're hard at work finishing up the theming guide, we want to do our best to publish tutorials as they're ready.
Today I'm happy to say we've added three more tutorial to our theme guide. We now have tutorials that provide some orientation and basic exposure to:
- Modernizer.js in a Theme or Module
- Underscore.js in a Theme or Module
- Backbone.js in a Theme or Module
If you find yourself using one of these or any of the other JavaScript libraries included in Drupal 8 core, let us know! We love to hear about the fun projects our members are working on. In the meantime I'll be hard at work writing more about Drupal 8 JavaScript tools and techniques.
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