Happy New Year! The Module Development series is wrapping up by working our way through another major API in Drupal, the database layer. We have five videos to walk you through it.
- An overview of the database layer in Drupal 7 is an excerpt from our Overview of Drupal 7 roundtable discussion, led by Angie Byron, the Drupal 7 co-maintainer.
- Querying the database with db_select() dives in to the first, simple example of interacting with the database to get you started.
- Adding a table to the database will show you how you can create and use your own custom table in the Drupal database, as well as introducing Drupal's update system.
- Querying the database with query methods will cover the main methods which are used for working with the database, and then walks through an example implementing db_select() and db_merge().
- Altering the database shows how you make changes to your existing database schema.
We hope that you're enjoying this introduction to module development. There are endless things to do with modules, and we'd like to know what kinds of things you'd like to see that we haven't covered in this introduction. If you have thoughts, feel free to leave us some comments here.
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