Hey Drupal community! Drupal 8 is on the horizon, and Drupalize.Me is gearing up to produce hundreds of new tutorials. We're already working on the curriculum. But before we record anything, we want to know what training you need first.
Please tell us by completing the following survey. (It's short—only 6 questions!) As a thank-you, we'll give you $10 toward a new or existing Drupalize.Me membership!
Ready? Here's the link: Drupal 8 Survey
a.) How best to get from Drupal 6 or D7 to D8. How to get on the best hosting platforms for Drupal, which means how to migrate to D8 and how best to get data out from your current version of Drupal; and maybe move to GetPantheon.com or Acquia? b.) What modules to you need or not need in D8? What are common best-of-breed modules? c.) forms in D8?
Thank you, Jim! Please be sure to complete our survey, too: Drupal 8 Survey
I would like to know how to theme with drupal commerce!
Sounds like one for the suggestion box! https://drupalize.me/suggestions
Hello fantastic resource.
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