
Keep Drupal Up-To-Date for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

What will you learn

  • Install Drupal in a local development environment (DDEV)
  • Update Drupal's minor or patch version
  • Upgrade Drupal to the next major version
  • Using Composer for updates and upgrades


Developing Drupal sites requires being able to run a copy of your application locally, and knowing how to keep the core software up-to-date with the latest releases.

Upgrading from one major Drupal version (9.x) to another (10.x) allows you to take advantage of new features in the latest releases, and ensures your application will continue to be supported.


Install and update Drupal's minor version

Developing Drupal sites requires being able to run a copy of your application locally, and knowing how to keep the core software up-to-date with the latest releases.

Upgrade Drupal's major version

Upgrading from one major Drupal version (9.x) to another (10.x) allows you to take advantage of new features in the latest releases, and ensures your application will continue to be supported.

This course covers identifying and handling deprecated code, using Composer for updates, and ensuring compatibility of custom and contributed modules. Additionally, learners will explore the use of tools like the Upgrade Status module to audit their site and prepare for the upgrade. By the end of the course, you will be ready to plan and execute a major version upgrade, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal downtime.

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Drupal Founder and Project Lead
Photo of Dries Buytaert
“They’re easy to understand. They’re thorough. They’re funny. They’re always entertaining, and it makes it easy to learn parts of Drupal and how you can integrate it into your workflow and learn more and have a good time doing it.”
Roger Carr
Drupalize.Me Member
Photo of Roger Carr
“The mission of the Drupal Association is to foster and support the Drupal software project, the community, and its growth. Drupal education, like that provided by Drupalize.Me, is important to this mission.”
Megan Sanicki
Former Exec. Director, Drupal Assoc.
Photo of Megan Sanicki


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