This lesson includes a short presentation that explains the basics terminology and architecture of the migrate module and the components that make up a custom data migration. We'll talk about the Extract / Transform / Load process and how it relates to data migrations, the types of data sources that the migration module can read from, and a little bit about how the code in both the migrate module and our own custom migrations will be organized.
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In this lesson we'll cover downloading and installing the Migrate module (version 7.x-2.6) and ensuring that our local environment is ready to be able to run migrations via both the UI and drush. Once that's setup we'll take a high level look at the migrate module's UI and drush commands to familiarize ourselves with the tools that we'll be using throughout the rest of the series. This will also help formalize some of concepts introduced in the previous lesson.
Additional resources
Migrate module project page
migrate-7.x-2.6-rc1 download
Migrate module documentation
Introduction to Drush series
Drupalize.Me Migrate module series code on GitHub
This series is focused on using the Migrate module to import data that exists in various different sources into a Drupal 7 website. The Migrate module provides an extremely flexible and robust framework for accessing data from various sources and importing or migrating that data to Drupal. With built in support for creating core Drupal data types likes nodes, users, and taxonomy terms, the Migrate module is one of the best solutions available for importing content into Drupal.
This series kicks off with Joe Shindelar explaining the basic components that make up a data migration, and the terminology and code that is specific to the Migrate module. Then continues with a series of lessons that take you from installing the Migrate module to writing and running your own custom data migration.
Throughout the series Joe teaches us how to run a data migration using both the Migrate module's UI and drush, and some of the plusses and minuses of both methods. Joe also talks about the various different sources, or types of data, from which the Migrate module can read data and how to map the unique fields in a row of source data to their corresponding Drupal content types and fields.
By migrating from a single source into two different Drupal content types we'll also have the opportunity to learn about creating relationships during a migration and mapping the resulting information to an entity reference field. During the course of writing a custom migration Joe will show us how and where we can add code to perform additional runtime data munging during our import process. We'll learn about importing data into multi-value fields, and even providing defaults for fields that don't have information. Then we'll look at some of the tools the migrate module provides for collaborating with team members in order to create a successful migration path.
Finally we'll wrap up the series by looking at a couple of different techniques for debugging our migrations and dealing with pesky source material that just doesn't want to be imported.
Because this series is focused primarily on writing custom data migrations, and since the Migrate module itself requires at least some amount of code to be written to perform a migration, it is suggested that students be familiar with PHP and basic Object Oriented Programming techniques. Although not required to run a migration, Joe uses the drush command line tool extensively in this series. If you need a refresher on using drush take a moment to watch our drush series.
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In this lesson we'll take a look at running migrations via drush rather than via the Migrate module's UI. We'll take a look at the commands provided by the Migrate module and talk about what they do. Then we'll practice running, rolling back, and otherwise interacting with migrations via drush commands. Throughout the lesson we'll learn about some of the functionality you get from running migrations via drush that are not provided by the UI, like the ability to specify a single record to migrate with the --idlist
flag. Finally we'll learn about why in most cases drush is a better tool for running large data migrations because of the limitations imposed on the UI. Pay close attention to this lesson since throughout the remainder of this series we'll be running all of our migrations via drush.
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In this lesson we'll take a more in-depth look at the migrate module's UI with a focus on being able to identify and execute custom migrations. For now we'll work with the provided example migrations just so that we have something to work with. Throughout the lesson we'll learn how to run a migration to import it's data into Drupal, rollback a migration that was previously run in order to set a clean slate, and other ways we can interact with a migration via the UI. Then we'll discuss some of the challenges inherit in running migrations via the UI and Drupal's Batch API and how to identify them.
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What Is Drupal?
FreeTo learn more about how to get started with Drupal, also see our Introduction to Drupal guide.
In this lesson we take a look at Drupal, the open source Content Management System. We learn about the major components of a Drupal site and the library of constantly evolving tools available for working with Drupal. We find out how to see who uses it, by looking at and Drupal case studies on, among others. We look at Drupal's major features, such as Modules.
With this overview we have some context as we move forward into the series.
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Drupal is a great tool for working on the web, but to give it some context, in this lesson we're going to take a quick step back in time, and understand the history of working on the web and look at how the tools that Drupal provides match up with problems encountered over the years of web development.
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In this lesson we're going to break down the "Drupal stack" to understand what pieces are working here and how they relate to each other. We'll take a tour of the major components of Drupal itself, like nodes and users, and then have a brief discussion about ways of organizing content.
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Deploying Your Code
FreeIn this lesson we will take the code we have committed to our remote repository and manually push it to our production server. We will cover how to setup deployments on and the some of the advantages of using a tool like this.
A question we are commonly asked is: how did your production environment recognize the new feature?
Answer: Reverting a feature reverts it back to what is in code. So by updating the code it always looks to the code so there is no need to revert it. You usually revert a feature if you have made changes that are stored in the database and you need it to look back to the code as your database changes are not what you wanted or are wrong. If the changes you made in the database are what you want, then you update/recreate the feature.
One thing we haven't looked at in our feature yet is Drupal roles and permissions. Here we will create a role associated with out Blog feature and look at how we can roll that important bit in.
In this video we are using the Environment Indicator module to visually distinguish between different environments.
Additional resources
Features project (
Introduction to Drush Series (Drupalize.Me) (
Features will auto-detect dependencies for you, which can be very handy, but at times it can also be very frustrating when you don't want them to. In this video we introduce the Features Plumber module and show you how to use it to finely control your dependencies.
We are sometimes asked how Features can be removed. Since a Feature is just a normal module, you can disable it on your module administration page, and even uninstall and completely remove it from your modules folder. That will completely remove the feature from your site.
Note: The Features plumber module is no longer necessary if you're using Features with Drupal 7. The functionality provided by this module has been included into newer versions of the Features module. So as long as your Features module is up-to-date you should be good to go. The concepts from this video do still apply.
Additional resources
Features project (
Introduction to Drush Series (Drupalize.Me) (
In this lesson, we will cover the basics of getting code into version control using the Mac app "Tower" and then making the first commit and pushing it to the remote repository we will setup on
Features is a module which generates modules for us. You can then extend that module just as you would any other Drupal module. In this video we'll add some additional code to our feature to make it more complete for our needs, outside of the realm of what Features itself can provide.
The features module (and the drush command) are pretty smart about not overwriting custom changes, and your chances of overwriting your custom code are pretty slim. When features exports a module it creates a .module file with only one line of code in it. Which is an include for another file: Features then puts all of the automatically generated code into this included file. When you regenerate or update a feature it just uses the existing mymodule.module file which maintains any code that you wrote, and then regenerates the and associated files.
Additional resources
Features project (
Introduction to Drush Series (Drupalize.Me) (
James Sansbury defines Features (a module that helps organize site components and applications for specific use cases), as distinct from Nodes and other forms of site content.
This series assumes that you can install Drupal 7, create a basic content type, create a basic view, and use Drush. See the following resources if you need a refresher:
- Create a New Content Type
- Creating a New View
- Introduction to Drush series
- Installing Drupal with Drush
Additional resources
Features project (
We'll create our very first feature and then see how it works by putting on our production site and enabling it.
Additional resources
Features project (
Introduction to Drush Series (Drupalize.Me)
Hands-On: Generating Sample Content (Drupalize.Me) (
Before we set up a multisite we need to understand how Apache and Drupal work together to deliver the site we intend. In this lesson we'll look at the documentation for Drupal multisites, and then discuss the way you need to set up your Drupal directories. We'll also review the workflow that Apache and Drupal go through to get the correct site displaying in the browser.
Additional resources
Multi-site - Sharing the same code base (
In this lesson we'll be building a simple university site,, with different areas, each with their own website: the main site, a news site, and an alumni site. The news site is simply a subdomain of the main domain name,, and the alumni site actually has its own separate domain name, To get this done, you're going to learn how to confirm the DNS is working for the domain names. That is, that they are currently pointing to the right server. Then we're going to configure an Apache vhost on our server so that Apache knows where to find our Drupal code base. We'll finish things up by installing our main Drupal site,
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With our domains and Apache configuration in place, we need to make sure all three sites can be installed at the different domains by creating our multisite directories in the sites folder. In this tutorial, we'll create the necessary Drupal site directories and settings files for the three sites so they are all running smoothly, check the domains and install the other two sites, and wrap up by changing the theme on the alumni site.
Before we get started, you should make sure you have two empty databases created for the two new sites we'll be installing.
In this tutorial we're going to be working directly on a server using the command line. You can feel free to use a GUI interface for your site, like an SFTP app or just your local machine file browser and editor apps. If you want to brush up on using the command line, you can check out our free Command Line Basics series.
If we want to do development work on the university multisite, we need to do a few things to have this run smoothly in a local development environment with all of those URLs. The sites.php file is going to let us define aliases for the site configuration folders in /sites
. In this tutorial we'll explain why local development with multisite is tricky, and how to get it set up properly.
Additional resources
example.sites.php (