Drupal Composer Project
TopicThe Drupal Composer Project provides a scaffold for starting a new Drupal project and managing that project's dependencies with Composer. It was created before the drupal/recommended-project Composer project template was developed, which is the current best practice method for creating a new Drupal site with Composer.
Drupal Core Modules
TopicA module is a set of PHP, JavaScript, and/or CSS files that extends site features and adds functionality. The Drupal core software comes with a set of modules that provide a range of features.
Learn Drupal
GuideDrupal Console
TopicDrupal Console provided a command line utility for performing common site administration tasks, code generation scaffolding, and a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop for interacting with your Drupal site.
It is no longer actively maintained. Use Drush instead.
Drupal User Guide
GuideObject-Oriented PHP
TopicObject-oriented PHP utilizes classes and objects to organize code into reusable chunks. This approach helps us organize complex applications, such as Drupal, into modular code called classes that can be reused across the entire system.
Overview of languages and translation on a site.
How to translate field labels in a view, and other configuration.
How to configure content items to make them translatable.
5.5. Concept: Menu
FreeOverview of the menu concept and menus automatically created with the core Standard installation profile.
How to configure a content item so that it gets displayed as the home page.
Overview of content entities and fields.
How to plan the navigation and layout of a website (mobile and desktop browsers).
Overview of modular content and how content in a page can be sourced from other content items.
How to plan a content structure that assigns content entity types to specific content on the website.
Overview of the editorial workflow to manage content on a website.
Understanding the target audience for this guide, and what they will learn from it.