Web services allow two or more applications to share data and instructions with one another across the Internet.
Caching in Drupal
TopicCaching in Drupal is controlled by Drupal's Cache API which is used to store any type of data on a permanent or temporary basis. Some types of data tend to take a long time to compute, but utilizing the Cache API in your module can help your site load data more quickly.
TopicComposer is the preferred dependency management solution for PHP, is used by Drupal core, and is becoming increasingly popular for managing the modules and themes used for a Drupal project.
Using JavaScript in Drupal
CourseCreating Themes in Drupal
CourseAsset Libraries in Drupal
CourseThe Render API consists of a standard format for describing data using structured arrays and a process for converting those arrays into the HTML a user sees when interacting with a Drupal site.
CSS in Drupal
TopicCascading Style Sheets (CSS) files are added as an asset library through a theme’s libraries configuration file. HTML attributes, including classes and IDs, are commonly added in template files with Twig.