At Drupalize.Me, we've been talking with Dries and folks at the Drupal Association about how we can contribute high quality documentation for Drupal CMS. The plan for Drupal CMS documentation is emerging. We believe Drupal CMS documentation should be a highly polished and organized user guide for end-users of Drupal CMS. And that it should be funded. Why?
This week, we've added 7 new videos to existing tutorials in our Module Developer Guide. The Module Developer Guide was created for developers familiar with PHP but new to Drupal module development.
We have been working on recording, editing, and publishing videos for the step-by-step "task" tutorials in our Module Developer Guide. As many of these tutorials are code heavy, you have the advantage of a video walk-through as well as code examples to copy and paste in the written version of the tutorial. Read more to see which tutorials in the guide now have videos embedded.
When Drupal CMS launched, we built a guide to help users get started—but now we’re facing a big question: how does it relate to the existing Drupal User Guide? Should we keep them separate or merge them into a single, streamlined resource? In this post, Joe breaks down the challenges, and explores what’s next.