Module Development

Concept: Anatomy of a Module for Drupal 8, 9, and 10

A Drupal module encapsulates files and directories that serve a specific purpose and follow Drupal's standards and conventions. This tutorial describes the anatomy of a Drupal module, focusing on the placement and purpose of different file types.

In this tutorial, we'll:

  • Explain where Drupal looks for modules and where you should place your custom module.
  • Describe the standard file and directory types in a module.

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to identify and understand the purpose of various files and directories within a Drupal module and know where to correctly place them.


Recognize and place the files and directories that make up a Drupal module.


This tutorial uses MODULE_NAME as a placeholder. Replace it with your module's machine name. For example, if your module's name is anytown_status, the file would be

Where Drupal looks for modules

Put your custom module into the root modules/ directory unless you have a specific reason to use one of the other options.

Note: All locations are relative to the Drupal root directory (where index.php lives), not the project root, often 1 level higher.

Drupal will look for modules in the following locations:

  • modules/: The recommended location for placing custom modules.
  • core/modules/: Contains Drupal core modules. (Never place custom modules here.)
  • sites/all/modules/: An alternative location, used in certain multi-site setups.

Within these locations, you can organize your modules into subdirectories. A common pattern is:

  • modules/custom/: For custom project-specific modules
  • modules/contrib/: For contributed modules downloaded from

Standard files and directories in a module

You can expect to find some or all of the following file types and directory names within a Drupal module's directory:

  • (required): Contains metadata about the module. It's the only required file. It's located in the root of the module directory.
  • MODULE_NAME.module: Holds hooks and procedural PHP code. It's optional and follows a strict naming convention.
  • composer.json: Manages the module's dependencies.
  • MODULE_NAME.api.php: Defines hooks for other modules.
  • *.yml files: Files with a .yml extension other than .info.yml are all optional, and are used to provide module-specific configuration for things like routes, asset libraries, and some YAML-based plugin systems like menu links and migrations.
  • src/ directory: Contains PHP classes, following PSR-4 standards.
  • tests/ directory: Stores automated tests, typically PHPUnit tests.
  • config/ directory: Provides default configuration and schema definitions.
  • templates/ directory: Holds Twig templates for rendering output.

Naming conventions

Files like and MODULE_NAME.module need specific names and locations for Drupal to recognize them. A module's name should be lowercase, must start with a letter, and can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Code in the src/ and tests/ directories follows the PSR-4 autoloading standard, with namespace paths mirroring the directory structure. Drupal uses Drupal as the primary namespace, and the module name as the secondary namespace. A file like src/Plugins/Block/HelloWorld.php in the MODULE_NAME module would have a PHP namespace like namespace Drupal\MODULE_NAME\Plugins\Block.

We'll go into more detail about namespaces and PSR-4 later in the guide.


In this tutorial, we've explored the anatomy of a Drupal module. We learned about the essential files and directories, where to place your module, and the importance of following Drupal's naming conventions and standards.

Further your understanding

  • What issues might arise if a module's files are not named or placed correctly?

Additional resources

Drupal Module Developer Guide