
Twig Functions, Filters, and Debugging with dump

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We're keeping this page up as a courtesy to folks who may need to refer to old instructions. We don't plan to update this page.

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Just like PHP or JavaScript, Twig has functions that can be used once we’re inside either a Twig delimiter. To see the built-in functions, check out the bottom of the Twig documentation page. In your application, especially if you’re using Twig inside something like Symfony or Drupal, you may have even more functions available to you. Fortunately, the syntax to use a function is always the same: just check out your project’s documentation to see what other goodies you have. In this tutorial, you will start using Twig functions and filters to get the length of a collection in our demo site. We'll also play around with the dump function to see how we can go about debugging Twig.

Additional resources

Twig documentation